Or just craft an
"elevator pitch". Don't be the guy that walks up at the bar and expects magic to happen through basic osmosis.
Here's the challenge and of course it's free advice so take it or leave it, but I'd suggest practicing. I can't tell you how many people my friend talks about that literally go to a career fair or just have a professional interaction where they can't hold a conversation or simply answer questions with one or two words. You need to know that (a) the person can do the job but most importantly, (b) is this someone I can handle spending 12 days with on a 777 pairing?
Personality is
absolutely essential because you will be interacting with customers, you will be interfacing with other divisions and you will be expected to have some level of social comfort with your coworkers.
Here's an opportunity. There is a massive chance I may be able to connect you with people at a place you want to go, but I really don't know what your goals are. Do you want to work at my shop, or American, or Atlas, or I don't know, the Alaskan Virgin Airways, FedEx, UPS?

I literally have no idea what you're after because you haven't reached out to at least communicate that or if you have, I've probably overlooked it seeeeeeeeew, tell me about yourself!