Isn't it nice to know how liked I am. I guess you guys just like making fun of me, do I make you feel insecure because I've flown jets at a younger age then you. I was never a jerk to any one, except Eagle, and I always apoligize when I have offended some one. I had never met any that I thought was a jerk in aviation, but now I know there are plenty of @$$es out there. I don't know what your problems are with me but I be happy if you would tell me. Why you think I'm lying I don't know, but there is nothing I can do about that. I wish some of you pilots would grow up and try being happy for me being in such a lucky position. Maybe one day I'll get out of the Citation or the Navajo in front of you and then maybe you'll belive me. I can tell you no one that I've met at airports have called me a fake.