Ameriflight Duty Day

Well it also isn't worth doing it for a company that could care less about you also. Especially if you aren't taken care of on the back end. There was no way in hell I was short changing my off time for AMF lol.
Well it also isn't worth doing it for a company that could care less about you also. Especially if you aren't taken care of on the back end. There was no way in hell I was short changing my off time for AMF lol.
Oh absolutely, but if I'm ACTUALLY rested, I just don't care about doing all sorts of shady things with the paperwork to look legal. Hell, our legs are short enough, load up on redbull I have to. I'm doing what's safer to me over legal always. Showing up early to the airport on a crappy day so that my mind is at ease for the flight, but checking in at normal time for example. Or fudging things so that I'm legal when I get back home. Hmm, sleep in a recliner/hotel and eat vending machine food/fast food/gas station food, or go 15 minutes over and putting whatever I feel like as the actual duty off time and sleeping in my own bed. I'll punch the FAA inspector in the face if he thinks the prior is safer! Ok, not really, but I hope if I ever got caught, the guy would see the stupidity of that reg being followed to the letter. Either way, I have a good lawyer. :)

Kind of like airworthiness at FLX. Anything inop, you're not legal to go. Uh yeah, stay in Kansas with tornadoes or say $%#* the regs and going back to clear skys and calm winds in the interest of safety? $%^# the regs. :smoke:
A 9 hour overnight that is aligned with my primary WOCL is safer than 18 hours that doesn't line up with my primary WOCL.

Agreed, but that isn't decided by the pilot. The schedule is, whatever the schedule is. So if your only rest is between hours that aren't optimum, and you are going back on duty regardless, how is reducing that amount of rest safer?
Agreed, but that isn't decided by the pilot. The schedule is, whatever the schedule is. So if your only rest is between hours that aren't optimum, and you are going back on duty regardless, how is reducing that amount of rest safer?
If I have a split day (fly in the AM, 'released into rest', fly in the PM), whatever gets me back to my bed faster is safer. Split duty sucks, mostly because I'm wide awake when I should be "resting".

Note, I'm mostly arguing for sake of arguing here and have no vested interest. More providing some examples of "legal, but silly". Rest rules are funny things, and fatigue is such an individualized condition that it's really, truly hard to prescribe regulations that translate to actual safety for all.
If I have a split day (fly in the AM, 'released into rest', fly in the PM), whatever gets me back to my bed faster is safer. Split duty sucks, mostly because I'm wide awake when I should be "resting".

Note, I'm mostly arguing for sake of arguing here and have no vested interest. More providing some examples of "legal, but silly". Rest rules are funny things, and fatigue is such an individualized condition that it's really, truly hard to prescribe regulations that translate to actual safety for all.
Indeed. One that comes up for me, is I'll do a shift, but sleep all night and be well rested. 10am rolls around and I'm a pumpkin regardless that at that point I'm the most rested I'll be all day.
Not sure how you can view reducing your rest as being safer, but ok.
I know I'm coming off as a colossal D-bag. Sterile internet posts you know. Not my intent.

What I'm getting at I guess, is where I get that rest. AMF won't ever be a problem that I foresee. Getting stuck places at Flight Express meant staying at the cheapest hotel possible. For example, the one we use in Wichita had nothing around it. No fast food or even a gas station. I felt more fatigued the time I got stuck there than just about any other time in my flying career. Which is why I feel more apt to fudge paper work to get home, or at least somewhere where I would get actual rest. I'm not talking by a couple hours, more like 15-20 minutes.
Nope. No. I'm owed 10 hours of consecutive rest after my 16 hours of duty (due to weather) before I go back for another 14 hour trip.

Pilots. :shudder:
It only takes one or two pilots to fudge the numbers a bit to set a bad, bad precedent. And to openly talk about doing such things on a public forum? Really? :ooh:
It only takes one or two pilots to fudge the numbers a bit to set a bad, bad precedent. And to openly talk about doing such things on a public forum? Really? :ooh:

You must be new to freight doggin'. Without "liberal" interpretation of the numbers, freight wouldn't move. Even the big boys do it.
The FAA has probably already hired Chloe O'Brian from 24 to cross reference IP addresses with pilot addresses to track down the offenders...