ALPA Dues Refund

Sadly, for the past 26 years of my career at my current airline, it's been "recall the folks that took over after the recall of the previous people who are there because the earlier pilots got recalled because there was a recall, but they were recalled, but we're mad because.... wait.... I don't know!"
Dude! I didn't know you worked for FedEx! 🤣
However, it's hilarious how pilots are so anti ALPA on one hand, but cry like Karens when they have the impression that the company slighted them.

I mention Section 24 J. on the regular to people just because this is NOT an under-resourced or -funded operation unlike a certain other MEC I used to work for, and pilots have no idea that the Company pay the bill for a lot of those positions. (Not mine, for reasons obvious.) Pilots are surprisingly poopy about flight pay loss around here despite the large Company contributions thereto. Nobody ever seemed to have a problem (or nearly as much of a problem as people here) at the old job, and that MEC was broke on the regular.
Dude! I didn't know you worked for FedEx! 🤣

There’s a big massive recall push at the moment because representatives aren’t flying enough, or something. They’ve never really quite articulated the reasoning.
I’m starting to really enjoy the gossip circle and chaos that this industry entails. You can literally never be wrong, because one prediction will always be true eventually. It’s like boat rumors on deployment. Sometimes even a blind squirrel gets a nut in that game
I’m starting to really enjoy the gossip circle and chaos that this industry entails. You can literally never be wrong, because one prediction will always be true eventually. It’s like boat rumors on deployment. Sometimes even a blind squirrel gets a nut in that game
I enjoy starting a rumot and seeing how quickly it gets back to me, myself.

"No, really! My wife's brother's girlfriend's sister whose uncle is a Line Check Pilot saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's serious."
I enjoy starting a rumot and seeing how quickly it gets back to me, myself.

"No, really! My wife's brother's girlfriend's sister whose uncle is a Line Check Pilot saw Ferris pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's serious."
Former employee was a lot more fun for this kind of thing than the current one, I'm guessing your experience is similar.
I’m starting to really enjoy the gossip circle and chaos that this industry entails. You can literally never be wrong, because one prediction will always be true eventually. It’s like boat rumors on deployment. Sometimes even a blind squirrel gets a nut in that game

Did you hear SFO is closing? ;)
It's amazing the outrage signing up for direct deposit amongst our pilot group. They trust the company way more than the union. we are effed.
You noticed that, too, huh?

Well, I mean Jetflyers has basically turned into a home for lunatics and the "MEC Inner Circle" reposting things from the main ALPA page.
I started calling Seattle HQ “The Deathstar” like two years ago. Finally heard someone say it recently and it made my cold dark heart melt. I did a thing!

I've had a similar experience a few times on the navy side. Heard active duty guys, who I have never flown with previously, regurgitate BS stuff I once said in a brief/debrief. Maybe not BS, but very much my own words. Gotta love the telephone effect, someone must like you :)
Here's free money....<??????>.......Outrage.

I guess they should have sent a poet.
I haven't bothered to add up the refund because I was only an active member for a few months of last year, and at 1Y pay rates to boot, so the refund isn't exactly a princely sum.