Alaska Hawaiian Merger?

from the outside it doesn’t sound like AS is really in trouble, they have cash to pony up for a whole nother airline and are still taking deliveries. BA is behind on deliveries to everyone. doesn’t really sound like ‘we die unless we grow exactly as planned’ kind of scenario
spirit is downgrading/furloughing how many pilots with what % of their whole fleet grounded over the next 2 years (and no new deliveries with a business model in decline)?

Alaska is doing just fine. Staffing the way it is right now is very manageable and the ability to do reduced lines or leaves is a way for the company to easily manage proper staffing. We are not grossly overstaffed, at all. The nice thing is now when we get into the slower season of flying, we can properly manage staffing INSTEAD of furloughs or downgrades. The company is in a super strong financial position and the lack of hiring and position bids has nothing to do with the state of the airline and has everything to do with over-hiring due to the shortage, and the slowing of deliveries. They will get to proper levels and things will get back to normal again. In fact, things are pretty darn normal right now. Too many people want to live in a feast-or-famine mindset. Honestly Beef might be happier at UAL where they hire until they furlough, then recall and hire again. Rinse and repeat. The airline is running fine, we are making money, and everyones paycheck is clearing. To somehow turn that into doom and gloom is pretty crazy...
Beef has some legitimate concerns in my opinion. Probably the chances of a reduction bid right now are higher than the chances of any sort or vacancy bid in the near term. That said I think it’s evident the union is working hard to avoid that scenario with the VRBO and EIL lines.
The merger has the potential to stagnate things further, there will be fleet reductions in the future, there is very little chance we operate anything more than two fleet types in the long term, and hopefully the Amazon flying goes away, because being tied to them is not a viable future for any pilot here or Hawaiian.
I’m junior in SEA, and I’ve had little more luck than Beef schedule wise, as has been pointing out there are some mechanisms in place now to increase the vacation footprint, inviolate days etc.

Could there be a reduction bid in the future? Of course there could be. Worry about it when the email comes, until then, try and be happy in the moment. Things are not that bad. The company is spending time negotiating a contract extension and focused on the merger, not constricting and shrinking. I know it isn't like a pilot to focus on the positive, but the airplanes are full, the metal is moving and our profit margins are like top 3 in the industry. Things aren't that bad...
Ok real talk for a moment @BEEF SUPREME
You gotta cool down a bit. You have a reputation and it’s not just with guys at this company. My Delta friend sent this to me a week ago, before your recent rants completely out of the blue.


(My friend confused you for the British guy of a similar name to you)

Please consider taking a little break from forums for a while.

Your “mentoring” might actually be an annoyance. To you, FOs may not express a problem. Your real test is when FOs tell other FOs about your experience with them. Or the FO tells another CA.

If BEEF can't even be honest with himself then he certainly can't be honest with people on a forum.
Maybe there could be a separate thread for discussing AS.

On the merger topic, does anyone know if DOT has any authority to actually stop the merger or are they obligated to allow the transaction?
Ok real talk for a moment @BEEF SUPREME
You gotta cool down a bit. You have a reputation and it’s not just with guys at this company. My Delta friend sent this to me a week ago, before your recent rants completely out of the blue.

View attachment 79575
(My friend confused you for the British guy of a similar name to you)

Please consider taking a little break from forums for a while.

Somone at Delta got me confused with a British guy? Oh no! Gasp. The horror!

Pretty sure I've never interacted with any of you in real life. I don't care what any of you think. I have no respect for any of you.

Sorry if you don't like me pointing out that the airline we work for is not growing and it isn't possible to get deliveries. Staffing is a mess. The best management can do is to start rumors about a San Diego base and throw a few shekels your way for sticking out the next 3-5 years of stagnation, or worse.

Perfectly willing to admit I was wrong about inviolate days. Really surprised the PBS working group didn't mention any of that when I sent in a DART.
Maybe there could be a separate thread for discussing AS.

On the merger topic, does anyone know if DOT has any authority to actually stop the merger or are they obligated to allow the transaction?

As far as I have been told and gathered, no the DOT cannot stop the merger. I believe they look to make sure everything both airlines do, and plan to do as one airline, complies with DOT regulations and looks at things like gates and slots at airports. We have a P2P call on Friday, I have a list of things to ask and I will get clarification on that.
Somone at Delta got me confused with a British guy? Oh no! Gasp. The horror!

Pretty sure I've never interacted with any of you in real life. I don't care what any of you think. I have no respect for any of you.

Sorry if you don't like me pointing out that the airline we work for is not growing and it isn't possible to get deliveries. Staffing is a mess. The best management can do is to start rumors about a San Diego base and throw a few shekels your way for sticking out the next 3-5 years of stagnation, or worse.

Perfectly willing to admit I was wrong about inviolate days. Really surprised the PBS working group didn't mention any of that when I sent in a DART.
Oh it’s very obvious you don’t have any respect for most everyone. You act like this is the first time you’ve misrepresented this airline, pilot group, or contract. That’s like your whole shtick on here. Take a break man. It’s obvious you need it.

Is this how your old job interaction went:

Corpie CA: “So I really want a manual. Volkswagen is awesome! Great company, reliable, so I was debating either a 6-spd Jetta or maybe a Golf GTI. Not sure if my wife will let me get away with a Golf R, but that would be the ultimate manual. I really like VW, great product.”

Corpie Beefy FO [thinks to self]: OMG I’m flying with an antisemitic Captain!
I can’t believe I lived up there for two years and never noticed that but I lay over up there a lot now and good lord people’s vibes are weird. People act like they’re put out by you having the audacity to exist near them.

I managed 18 months up there in the late 90s, and while there were other reasons for my leaving, that whole vibe was certainly a part of it.
Corpie CA: “So I really want a manual. Volkswagen is awesome! Great company, reliable, so I was debating either a 6-spd Jetta or maybe a Golf GTI. Not sure if my wife will let me get away with a Golf R, but that would be the ultimate manual. I really like VW, great product.”
Never ask:
- a man his salary,
- a woman her age,
- a German corporation about their products and actions between, oh, say, 1939 and 1945