Alaska BNA-SEA takeoff abort

You can’t manual brake any harder then RTO. It’s impossible. It’s an instant 3000psi to the brakes the entire time. But one way to get the brakes hot is to let it RTO to zero airspeed when you still have tons of runway left. That’ll do it.

Everyone should know a deflated tire is a normal situation. You aren’t guaranteed inflated tires in the minutes after a RTO. You are only guaranteed you stop before the runway ends.

I have noticed in my 1 little year in the 121 world that guy stand on the brakes here like it’s their car and then surprised pikachu face when they are still hot on the taxi out. For years flying corporate we would use the whole runway and try to make it feel like we didn’t use them. Half of that is because our boss is in the back and half of that is because we saw and often had to approve the bill for the 200k brake job.
What kind of airports were you going into though? I definitely wouldn’t appreciate guys trying to save brakes when approach is running minimum separation on final and I’m waiting for the guy in front of us to get off the runway.
You can’t brake harder than RTO but you can brake significantly more uneven than RTO. Manual braking is almost always harder on temps than auto brakes. I have read that manual braking PSI application is quicker than RTO but I’ve gotta find where I read that.

That’s true for autobrakes 1-3 and max which uses the boards and reversers in its equation.

RTO throws that out the window. It’s not deceleration based. It’s 3000PSI right now.
There’s this great scene at the end of The High and the Mighty where a very tired looking John Wayne as Dan Roman looks up at his busted-ass airplane on a rainy ramp in San Francisco, gives this little shake of the head and lets out a whistle that is best translated at “wow, woof, glad we made it.”

I would appreciate it if we’d stop creating the preconditions for reenactment of that scene.
There’s this great scene at the end of The High and the Mighty where a very tired looking John Wayne as Dan Roman looks up at his busted-ass airplane on a rainy ramp in San Francisco, gives this little shake of the head and lets out a whistle that is best translated at “wow, woof, glad we made it.”

I would appreciate it if we’d stop creating the preconditions for reenactment of that scene.
I would rather reenact that scene instead of not being alive to reenact it.
There’s this great scene at the end of The High and the Mighty where a very tired looking John Wayne as Dan Roman looks up at his busted-ass airplane on a rainy ramp in San Francisco, gives this little shake of the head and lets out a whistle that is best translated at “wow, woof, glad we made it.”

I would appreciate it if we’d stop creating the preconditions for reenactment of that scene.

Ok, fine, but you’re gonna have to convince my FOs to stop letting me land the plane.
I had one where the CA gave me the controls on the runway on a lineup and wait......we were so very close to being stopped when he did, that I didn't notice we were still creeping forward slightly (in my defense, I think it was at night). Put my feet up on the brakes like I would from a stop, and ho boy, did it fully stop quick :)

Sorry everyone in the back.....
Never done that before. Nope nope nope.
Nice job. Doesn't make me feel any greater about the national airspace system though. Imagine if these airport/tower pattern level "whoopsies" start happening on departure/arrivals. I guess at least TCAS works......for planes with it
And Mr Buttigieg seems more concerned with loyalty points and refunds than the less politically resonant safety systems and labour.
Not privy to what he's working on with his staff. If internal work differs from public statements then there might be a bigger problem.

I’d be willing to bet that the public statements are accurate representations on those particular issues. Also that public topics are very carefully chosen for many different reasons. Now I’m not privy to his working agenda either, but I would be very surprised if more than 5% of it is released for public consumption, and I believe it to be foolish to extrapolate his priorities based solely on press releases and interviews.
I believe it to be foolish to extrapolate his priorities based solely on press releases and interviews.
In one sense public officials saying one thing and doing another is as old as apple pie.

In another sense, you've explained the very bedrock of public policy journalism since inception. And what keeps the industry going.

So many Pulitzers and careers have been made by simply pointing out these contradictions. Add to that the whole coterie of government PR advisers earning millions coaching cabinet officers on closing any daylight between their agency's work and official statements to the public.

Alas, the highlighting of these contradictions has led to the downfall of many officials. Some innocent, some not. They live in fear hoping a statement they made might be contradicted by their official acts; uncoverable through FOIA, leaks, hearings and bread and butter journalism.

You are right in one sense as it applies to the one government entity that can technically lie to the public under provisions of law. Last I checked Butiggieg isn't running that one.
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In one sense public officials saying one thing and doing another is as old as apple pie.

In another sense, you've explained the very bedrock of public policy journalism since inception. And what keeps the industry going.

So many Pulitzers and careers have been made by simply pointing out these contradictions. Add to that the whole coterie of government PR advisers earning millions coaching cabinet officers on closing any daylight between their agency's work and official statements to the public.

Alas, the highlighting of these contradictions has led to the downfall of many officials. Some innocent, some not. They live in fear hoping a statement they made might be contradicted by their official acts; uncoverable through FOIA, leaks, hearings and bread and butter journalism.

You are right in one sense as it applies to the one government entity that can technically lie to the public under provisions of law. Last I checked Butiggieg isn't running that one.
I don’t believe that there are contradictions in policies versus public statements happening under Pete. That’s my point that you keep missing.

Feel free to provide contradictory evidence/conspiracies if you will.