Alaska BNA-SEA takeoff abort

I would also venture to guess that the startle response had the CA stomping on the brakes harder than the Arto setting lol.

On my airplane we stress that it also comes down to the number of applications, which is why auto brake is better for brake temp. If you’re using manual braking and not maintaining one smooth application, no matter the force it’ll be hotter than if you are smooth.
Is that possible? I remember being taught that RTO>Max manual>AB MAX
I haven’t felt how RTO applies it in real life but stomping on the brakes because you see SWA entering runway would be a harder initial application I would think. Just a guess. 108kts isn’t like, the fastest RTO and I think those plugs blow at 800 degrees so those brakes got HOT.
On my airplane we stress that it also comes down to the number of applications, which is why auto brake is better for brake temp. If you’re using manual braking and not maintaining one smooth application, no matter the force it’ll be hotter than if you are smooth.

Yea that is 100% correct. We are weird about auto brake here for some reason…
On my airplane we stress that it also comes down to the number of applications, which is why auto brake is better for brake temp. If you’re using manual braking and not maintaining one smooth application, no matter the force it’ll be hotter than if you are smooth.

That would apply for our MAX with carbon brakes. Not so much on our NGs with steel brakes.
In operations where first officers aren’t allowed to taxi I think a lot of captains take over the controls much too early. You can absolutely tell sitting in the back when it happens because generally the rate of deceleration changes.
It made my wife scream once in a 330. Someone jabbed the brakes HARD on the roll out to the point little stuff went flying. I still of course laughed at her.
31/13 is rarely used as well (Unless thats changed recently) It is the longest runway however, so I wonder if this aircraft requested it based on performance needs. If its rarely used I can see ATC being complacent and forgetting the aircraft was even down there.
That's pretty impressive. I remember doing a RTO at 145kts and we were only in the caution range. Didn't even break temp of 5.

Around 160-ish is the highest high speed abort I can remember. At Vr. Luckily uneventful with little to no brake usage.
In operations where first officers aren’t allowed to taxi I think a lot of captains take over the controls much too early. You can absolutely tell sitting in the back when it happens because generally the rate of deceleration changes.

I had one where the CA gave me the controls on the runway on a lineup and wait......we were so very close to being stopped when he did, that I didn't notice we were still creeping forward slightly (in my defense, I think it was at night). Put my feet up on the brakes like I would from a stop, and ho boy, did it fully stop quick :)

Sorry everyone in the back.....
I would also venture to guess that the startle response had the CA stomping on the brakes harder than the Arto setting lol.
I hope to hell the CA wouldn't do something like that.

In every Boeing I've ever flown, we've had it drilled into our heads to NOT touch the brakes during an RTO. The RTO setting sends all 3000 PSI straight to the brakes and is WAY more better than any human can do!
-Maintain control
-Get the spoilers up

The Douglas is different, but the Douglas is ALWAYS different.
I hope to hell the CA wouldn't do something like that.

In every Boeing I've ever flown, we've had it drilled into our heads to NOT touch the brakes during an RTO. The RTO setting sends all 3000 PSI straight to the brakes and is WAY more better than any human can do!
-Maintain control
-Get the spoilers up

The Douglas is different, but the Douglas is ALWAYS different.
That’s the way we are on the 73 here at SJI.

Took a lot of mental power to not jump on the brakes in upgrade training, since both planes I flew prior had you get on the brakes with max manual.
I hope to hell the CA wouldn't do something like that.

In every Boeing I've ever flown, we've had it drilled into our heads to NOT touch the brakes during an RTO. The RTO setting sends all 3000 PSI straight to the brakes and is WAY more better than any human can do!
-Maintain control
-Get the spoilers up

The Douglas is different, but the Douglas is ALWAYS different.
Yep, it is poor technique to override RTO autobrakes. I am merely guessing as they got the brakes so hot that it deflated the tires.
Yep, it is poor technique to override RTO autobrakes. I am merely guessing as they got the brakes so hot that it deflated the tires.

You can’t manual brake any harder then RTO. It’s impossible. It’s an instant 3000psi to the brakes the entire time. But one way to get the brakes hot is to let it RTO to zero airspeed when you still have tons of runway left. That’ll do it.

Everyone should know a deflated tire is a normal situation. You aren’t guaranteed inflated tires in the minutes after a RTO. You are only guaranteed you stop before the runway ends.

I have noticed in my 1 little year in the 121 world that guy stand on the brakes here like it’s their car and then surprised pikachu face when they are still hot on the taxi out. For years flying corporate we would use the whole runway and try to make it feel like we didn’t use them. Half of that is because our boss is in the back and half of that is because we saw and often had to approve the bill for the 200k brake job.
You can’t manual brake any harder then RTO. It’s impossible. It’s an instant 3000psi to the brakes the entire time. But one way to get the brakes hot is to let it RTO to zero airspeed when you still have tons of runway left. That’ll do it.

Everyone should know a deflated tire is a normal situation. You aren’t guaranteed inflated tires in the minutes after a RTO. You are only guaranteed you stop before the runway ends.

I have noticed in my 1 little year in the 121 world that guy stand on the brakes here like it’s their car and then surprised pikachu face when they are still hot on the taxi out. For years flying corporate we would use the whole runway and try to make it feel like we didn’t use them. Half of that is because our boss is in the back and half of that is because we saw and often had to approve the bill for the 200k brake job.

You can’t brake harder than RTO but you can brake significantly more uneven than RTO. Manual braking is almost always harder on temps than auto brakes. I have read that manual braking PSI application is quicker than RTO but I’ve gotta find where I read that.