Airshow Chattanooga Pics


New Member
Wife and I went down to the Chattanooga airshow today. We had a great time, but I think we spent as much time waiting in line for the shuttle to take us to / from the airshow as we did at the show itself.
I got some cool pictures though, and thought you guys might enjoy them.

P.S One of these things is not like the others! Five points to the first one to guess it.
Here's a hint for you Bob and Tom fans.. "Woo Hoo Party!" :D

Picture 1
Picture 2
Picture 3
Picture 4
Picture 5
Picture 6
Picture 7
Picture 8
Picture 9
Wish I'd known about the show. Not that I've had much time off lately to go, but Chat isn't that far down the road from Nashvegas.
ding! ding! ding!

We have a winner!

Traffic was really bad trying to get out of town after the air show, so my wife and I decided to have lunch before we drove home. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, my wife said OMG and started laughing. I looked over and sure enough....
thatoneguy said:
ding! ding! ding!

We have a winner!

Traffic was really bad trying to get out of town after the air show, so my wife and I decided to have lunch before we drove home. As we were pulling out of the parking lot, my wife said OMG and started laughing. I looked over and sure enough....

Yeah, but...... in Chattanooga?!?!?!?! :eek: