

Not a child of magenta
There are several other threads on AirNet, but I think we should start a new one now.

The word on the street (tarmac) is that they have entered a receivership (think road to BK) and are slowly winding down operations due to being unable to find a suitable buyer for the company. Anyone else hear/know anything? I certainly hope all of our fellow freight dogs land on their feet as they are all trying to bail now. Discuss.
I will have to ask a friend I went through class with who is still there. Last time I talked to him (about 4mo ago) he said they were getting more Lear runs, which made me think they were doing OK.
I will have to ask a friend I went through class with who is still there. Last time I talked to him (about 4mo ago) he said they were getting more Lear runs, which made me think they were doing OK.
Just because a plane is flying doesn't mean it is making money. Some routes can be taken at a loss since a flying plane is typically cheaper than one that just sits on the ramp for weeks at a time.
Did Flight Express buy them, or the other way around?

Neither. Bayside Capital bought Airnet and formed Airnet Holdings as a holding company. Then either Bayside directly or Airnet Holdings bought Flight Express. After running them as "sister companies" for a few years, they decided to merge them. FLX was then merged into Airnet.

When it happened, all that really changed from an operations standpoint was different paperwork and a different chief pilot to call. We were flying the same routes in the same airplanes, because most of them were sub contracts from Airnet to FLX anyway.
From what I understand they were purchased by a "121 company flying DC-9s" out of the New York area. According to a higher up I spoke with, they're still hiring pilots too (didn't say when the last class went through).
From what I understand they were purchased by a "121 company flying DC-9s" out of the New York area. According to a higher up I spoke with, they're still hiring pilots too (didn't say when the last class went through).
When was this?
From what I understand they were purchased by a "121 company flying DC-9s" out of the New York area. According to a higher up I spoke with, they're still hiring pilots too (didn't say when the last class went through).
That's incorrect.

"AirNet is currently hiring pilots" is prominently displayed on their website

Saw two of their Barons at KCDW yesterday.
They need pilots because the current ones are leaving left and right.
From what I understand they were purchased by a "121 company flying DC-9s" out of the New York area. According to a higher up I spoke with, they're still hiring pilots too (didn't say when the last class went through).
I don't know of any New York based operators that fly cargo DC9s. They are for the most part out of YIP.