Airnet drops the Bomb!


New Member
Well today it happened. The day we all new was imminent. Airnet as of 2 weeks from know will not be the same company ever again. 50-55 pilots will be furloughed and I am sure countless others will quit or take voluntary furlough. Basically as of next week all runs are changed and up for bid, to anyone. 14 Jet PICs/ 9 Jet SICs and I think 10 prop PICS are being cut. PROP SICs sorry but that system is over and probably will be forever. Good luck to everyone. The bid system is going to be pretty nasty over the next week. It will be interesting to see who falls where, including me. No more jet captain for me. Might be a baron in my future. Anyways I was expecting this so I am not surprised. Good luck to ALL!
Ahh, nuts. That really sucks. Best of luck to all those affected.

What happened to all the Beech 1900/ Metroliner turbo prop talk?
They are expecting callbacks in late October/November. This is just to cut the fat off of the company to keep it afloat while they can transition into the express work (ups,Fedex). Still sucks though. I don't see why Bayside doesn't just give us the money to keep the pilots here until we transition:confused:
I was in the conference call. I will go from a Lear Captain to most likely a co-pilot but I'll be right on the border of becoming a prop PIC. We'll see maybe a silver lining down the road for me, but this is going to be hard on a lot of people.
Closed on a new house two weeks ago. Not exactly the kind of news I needed.:mad::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Good luck guys!

I was in the conference call. I will go from a Lear Captain to most likely a co-pilot but I'll be right on the border of becoming a prop PIC. We'll see maybe a silver lining down the road for me, but this is going to be hard on a lot of people.

hope it works out for you man. sorry to hear
I was in the conference call. I will go from a Lear Captain to most likely a co-pilot but I'll be right on the border of becoming a prop PIC. We'll see maybe a silver lining down the road for me, but this is going to be hard on a lot of people.
how does that work, just don't have the seniority?
Closed on a new house two weeks ago. Not exactly the kind of news I needed.:mad::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead::banghead:

Good luck guys!


dood. man. homie. that blows! I'm sorry....
And I just emailed CW updating him on my flight times this morning.
How ironic.
dood. man. homie. that blows! I'm sorry....

I think this weekend will be a good time to hit the bottle. You know ...while I'm moving into my new house.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

Oh well, it's nothing an alcohol-induced adventure can't solve, right?

I was in the conference call. I will go from a Lear Captain to most likely a co-pilot but I'll be right on the border of becoming a prop PIC. We'll see maybe a silver lining down the road for me, but this is going to be hard on a lot of people.
I guess it depends on where you want to move to I guess. I wonder if any lear PIC guys will go to the prop???? I wonder how many Lear SIC's will displace Prop PIC's??? all questions that will be answered in due time.
Well that just sucks. I wish you guys all the luck switching over to the other side of the freight world.
The current was route structure, left as it was, is extremely unprofitable.

Back to the props for me! :) It appears that I'll be close to the bottom of the new seniority list.

For anyone who's out on the street, let me add that I'm really sorry. Please keep in touch on 55. I'm sure that when flying jobs do become available many of us will do our best to help notify you of them. I know I will definitely pass any information along (Thanks for the PM Ian-appreciated) I learn that will be of any help. Very bad day for everyone at Airnet.

I think it's very worth pointing out what a great group of professionals we have here. There's a lot of guys out there right now who just took a short-notice furlough that are driving freight and meeting deadlines.

Mini - there are programs that can offer short-term assistance to you if your number is called. Tomorrow I'm also going to enroll in a protection plan for my credit card in case of any unforseen job loss or income expense.