Airline Pilot in Congress!

White collar crime will continue up to the point where we treat white collar criminals like blue collar criminals.
Republicans, historically, believe in that a strong offense is the best defense. Former service members have "been there, done that, etc" and can appreciate that feeling. For instance, the first Priority of Work for a unit in the defense (Army version) is "Establish Security." A parallel can be draw to the country: if populous is not and does not feel safe, the country cannot prosper.

Amen, to that and a nation that doesn't foster a warrior mentality in it's citizens is also doomed to fail. And, there is a difference between being a warmonger and a warror before any of you get your panties in a notch. We've been living too long on borrowed time, while members of BOTH parties stood by and watched it all happen. I'd love to see a list of just how philanthropic these so-called "leaders" we have in Congress are now. They were all lining their pockets, and now want to make a power grab ala Roosevelt and some kind of new-fangled BS "New Deal". I am very sorry, but in case any of you have looked our infrastructure is hardly crumbling on a macro-scale at all.
I am a proud ALPA member, but I don't want my national president cohorting with anyone like Bill Clinton ever again that got alot of good men and women killed. Good, decent young people from all walks of life bravely serving their country while that coward was on some half-assed Rhodes scholarship.
You want to improve this country, give EVERY illegal alien or dissatisfied citiizen (insert Hollywood whackjob here) a million buck and one-way plane ticket wherever the heck they want to go...Then CLOSE the border to immigration unless it totally legal! There is your infrastructure development project! Bolster the Dept. of wasted taxpayer dollars...oops! I mean Homeland Security to SECURE and PROTECT our sovreignty and OUR way of life.
So, yeah am I pissed off...Pretty much...Do I respect the President...YES! He is the Commander-and-Chief. Did I vote for him HELL NO! I Don't think his policies have been adequately debated, and all this kool-aid drinking I read about earlier in this thread is what anyone that really thinks that more government will restore the economy is seriously mistaken. Capitalism WORKS when it is allowed to work. Not this half-assed version we've had since WWII.
Do any of you actually believe that by some stroke of a pen that greed, corruption and graft aren't going to rife in the distribution of the stimulis package. WAKE-UP. Human nature is the Red Herring not ACORN.


A Government that no longer represents the will of the people that elected ceases to have the right to govern...Thomas Jefferson

AMERICA FIRST, I could care less what the F*** Europe or Sean Penn thinks! ME
Sir, I served proudly so that you may have the ability to express your opinion, worship how and where you want to. I hard believe in anarchy, and wouldn't you agree that Thomas Jefferson and Nathan Hale were revolutionaries, not anarchists???
Slow your fingers down! :D


Ah man, you got me! ;)

BE19pilot said:
Sir, I served proudly so that you may have the ability to express your opinion, worship how and where you want to. I hard believe in anarchy, and wouldn't you agree that Thomas Jefferson and Nathan Hale were revolutionaries, not anarchists???

Service in the uniformed ranks does not make a wise political scientist or international studies expert. As much as you would perhaps like it to.

That soap-box you're on can be swiftly kicked out from under you. Continue to show your lack of understanding of basic political theories and you won't find too many people who have such a background willing to discuss or listen to your ridiculous rants.
I refuse to take this to the personal level, but it is obvious you are young and naive. I will forgive you for that and point out that people seemed to listen to a few charismatic leaders that did "rant and rave". Obviously, we hold a different point of view and I would venture that there are many people that will take a different view than mine. I find this totally acceptable and more proof of my original point about liberty and freedom. Do you think that the liberty you enjoy right now came from a politician in Washington, DC or a beauracrat, or perhaps an amatuer political buff? So, I will respectfully, disagree that people will be so quick to knock the soapbox out from under me.
My suggestion to you would be to re-evaluate what you have given and sacraficed for your country. What you would be willing to do to fight for your liberty and freedom to choose. It's because of the REAL ranters and ravers that had their nations spellbound that people killed thinking that their race was the "master race". What do you think cost the Russian people millions of dead? I believe that Lenin got his start on a soapbox ranting and raving in a public square. I am hardly ranting my friend, I merely stating my case that we are once again going to follow a leader that ultimately is taking away your freedom before your very eyes. And, before you know it...You are living in (Insert your favorite European Socialist Country here)
BE19 - do you realize Surreal served in the US military and deployed to Iraq?
I don't count mind-reading as one of my skill-sets, Sir. His choice of words in his post didn't indicate that he was a veteran. I don't believe that I was personally insulting or questioning that he was a patriot. I asked him what he sacrificed or was willing to sacrifice for his country. Furthermore, I would say that he isn't as well-informed as he would like to believe...Heck, he couldn't even spell 'anarchist' for crying out loud! OK, I am only kidding around with that...I can agree to disagree with anyone, because thats how much freedom means to me. However, I am going to vehemently state my case. Just the way I am...Ask the Wookie...I taught him everything he knows! (sorta, he'll tell you more).
I don't count mind-reading as one of my skill-sets, Sir. His choice of words in his post didn't indicate that he was a veteran. I don't believe that I was personally insulting or questioning that he was a patriot. I asked him what he sacrificed or was willing to sacrifice for his country. Furthermore, I would say that he isn't as well-informed as he would like to believe...Heck, he couldn't even spell 'anarchist' for crying out loud! OK, I am only kidding around with that...I can agree to disagree with anyone, because thats how much freedom means to me. However, I am going to vehemently state my case. Just the way I am...Ask the Wookie...I taught him everything he knows! (sorta, he'll tell you more).

I wasn't being snarky... just didn't know if you knew that or not and thought it would better help frame the conversation if you did.
I don't count mind-reading as one of my skill-sets, Sir. His choice of words in his post didn't indicate that he was a veteran. I don't believe that I was personally insulting or questioning that he was a patriot. I asked him what he sacrificed or was willing to sacrifice for his country. Furthermore, I would say that he isn't as well-informed as he would like to believe...Heck, he couldn't even spell 'anarchist' for crying out loud! OK, I am only kidding around with that...I can agree to disagree with anyone, because thats how much freedom means to me. However, I am going to vehemently state my case. Just the way I am...Ask the Wookie...I taught him everything he knows! (sorta, he'll tell you more).

Actually, I was spelling archaic. But, don't let that formality slow you down.

Perhaps if there was some structure and some sort of reasoning behind your ramblings I might actually take part in this little exercise in ridiculousness. Until then though, you're pretty much on your own. Especially since you know so much about me and what I would do for this country.
Haven't met her, but have met Mike Donatelli a couple times up in JFK, had lunch with him in the employee cafeteria once. Super nice guy, hope she wins, I think she would help out airline pilots for sure.
I'm going to go with BE19 pilot on this one. Never going to convince me that socialism is better.
Socialism. The most overused, least understood word of 2009.
Socrates is probably hitting the bong in order to soothe a headache as we speak! ;)
I actually have more than that, but I reset it a few years ago to prove a point to a user that thought he had more gravitas than another because he had more posts. Along the lines of "Hey, now I have only 200 posts now, am I irrelevant on my own website? :)"
And the worst part about the whole "OMG! I cannot vote for an airline pilot because he's a Dem" is that it was a replacement for a democratic seat.

She wasn't even running against anyone from outside of her affiliated party to replace Rahm Emmanuel, but the sheer fact that "OMG! She's a Dem!" overshadowed the fact of what the election was actually deciding.

Oh lord...

"Hey, that firetruck in front of my burning house has a McCain sticker on it, get eem outta here!"
Ignorance, or as r2f put it, ambivalence, is the name of the game I'm afraid. "Oh, she is an Airline Pilot, she'd understand our plight and motivations. . .BUT. . .she's a Democrat! OH NOES, WHAT DO I DO!?"

Such is life in the 21st Century Amerika.