AF UPT/Class 1 physical (long)


Well-Known Member
Showed up at the base hospital at 0730 for my scheduled appointment. My name wasn't on the schedule and they didn't have my medical record. I was really nice to them, and they let me do the physical anyways. I had to go get my records my self. After we got all that straightened out, first stop was the dentist. A quick exam and a full mouth x-ray, then off to the lab to give 4 vials of blood (non-priors will have to give more) and a Urine test. Next was the hearing test, then height, weight, sitting height, and leg length (sitting). After that it was time for the eye tests. First test was for glacoma. They have a machine that blows a puff of air in the eye. It doesn't hurt, just feels wierd. Then near and far vision and then the depth perception test. I didn't do too well with the rings, so they gave me a second test that was similar to the rings, but had letters insead and was a projection on the wall, not in a machine. They checked my eyes for evidence of laser surgery. They have a grid I had to look at to see if all the lines are strait and parallel. I had the color blind test, eye focusing tests where they simply ask when words get blurry as they bring it closer and closer to your eyes. Next they checked how wide my peripheral vision is, then we went to a different room where they gave me eyedrops to dialate my eyes. BRING SUNGLASSES!!! It takes an hour for the eyes to dialate, then they looked in my eyes with the very bright light, then took me to a machine which I think was to map the cornea. After the eye tests, I had blood pressure, pulse (they do this several times) then an EKG. Next I saw the flight surgeon for the usual turn the head and cough. The last thing was 2 chest X-rays. I was out of there at 1600, no lollypop