Aerial Cremation...question for a commercial pilot?

Great to know...not to detract from the sadness of this event, but the engineer in me is formulating in my head some sort of device to keep the ashes from coming inside the cabin!

Funnel and a hose. Keep the funnel well inside the airplane and point the hose toward the back to get a suction through the hose. Along with the same lines as a chandelle being practical, its probably the only time that beer funnel manufacturing is a practical skill as well.
Funnel and a hose. Keep the funnel well inside the airplane and point the hose toward the back to get a suction through the hose. Along with the same lines as a chandelle being practical, its probably the only time that beer funnel manufacturing is a practical skill as well.

That sounds like a decent plan.

A dry run with flour would be a great idea regardless.
Great to know...not to detract from the sadness of this event, but the engineer in me is formulating in my head some sort of device to keep the ashes from coming inside the cabin!
You need a 12 foot rope and 6 pieces of tissue paper.

Place the relative inside the 6 sheets of paper but make sure to make an 8 pointed star out of the paper. (just rotate every other sheet 45 degrees)

Tie one end of the rope to the seat rail of YOUR seat and then tie the other to the relative. When the time comes for release open the window and let the relative go out the window. The bag will clear the tail and when the rope jerks taught the tissue paper will rupture spreading the relative. Then once you're satisfied the deed is done reel the rope back in and close your window. That will keep the side of the plane ash-free...Oh, and it will keep them out of your mouth too.

For the record, I just assume you're going to use a Cessna.
Flying had a pretty good article on this recently.
Then I wouldn't see any problem with it. I don't know if that counts as dropping an "object" from an airplane, but even that's ok so long as you take caution to avoid damage to things on the ground, forget the actual FAR.
I always thought this was a weird rule. I suppose it wouldn't be a problem over the open ocean. I wonder if you can still technically get fined for littering even if you don't violate the FAR. I know it's a stretch. ;)
Compensation: Split the costs go out to dinner afterwards.

Spreading: Get a Funnel with a large diameter opening and about 2 feet of clear plastic tube at the hardware store(You are making a beer bong more or less). Hang said tube out the pilot window and dump the ashes into the funnel then bub bye.
I had a friend who did/does this type of thing. He uses his own plane and does it for free for the families. He uses paper bags. They are biodegradable and keep the ashes from getting everywhere, just breaks open when it hits the water.
I wouldn't worry about money changing hands between family and friends. I know you guys want to follow the letter of the law, but c'mon, who even needs to know????????
You guys know those little oil funnels with the switch valve on them?...
I'm thinking something like that secured to the container, then a good 10 feet of plastic tubing from home depot.
There is an easy solution to this. The family comes up to the FBO you are flying out of and rents the plane of your choosing at the time of their choosing. Then they give you the remains and payment for your time as a commercial pilot. This way, you are not providing transport of any kind. The family is coordinating and paying for the plane. You are merely getting paid for flying the aircraft. I would not mention it to the FBO you're renting from. I don't really think anyone would/could get cranky about it - you're not damaging their plane or doing anything illegal. Speaking of legal, you are allowed to drop anything out of a plane anywhere, as long as you go to reasonable lengths to ensure the safety of anyone or anything on the ground.
Funnel and a hose. Keep the funnel well inside the airplane and point the hose toward the back to get a suction through the hose. Along with the same lines as a chandelle being practical, its probably the only time that beer funnel manufacturing is a practical skill as well.

I'm seeing a movie about a haunted beer bong in the works
Just put the plane into a slip with the window open and the ashes will be sucked right out. That is the easiest way to do it as there is no special equipment needed. Try it with flour first to get the hang of it.
Just put the plane into a slip with the window open and the ashes will be sucked right out. That is the easiest way to do it as there is no special equipment needed. Try it with flour first to get the hang of it.
I did this a half dozen times when i was a flight instructor. If you chandelle the airplane you'll have grandma pasted down the side.
in this era of paranoia....white powder (i.e. your flour idea) exiting an airplane may well cause a serious panic. Either cover up your N number or do it over an empty beach.
There is an easy solution to this. The family comes up to the FBO you are flying out of and rents the plane of your choosing at the time of their choosing. Then they give you the remains and payment for your time as a commercial pilot. This way, you are not providing transport of any kind. The family is coordinating and paying for the plane. You are merely getting paid for flying the aircraft. I would not mention it to the FBO you're renting from. I don't really think anyone would/could get cranky about it - you're not damaging their plane or doing anything illegal. Speaking of legal, you are allowed to drop anything out of a plane anywhere, as long as you go to reasonable lengths to ensure the safety of anyone or anything on the ground.

This sceniro was a question on my commercial oral. Question being is it legal? Answer (after I gave a blank stare and some babbling) was that it is legal as long as the airplane is found first by the person hiring you. Give them the name of the FBO and all bets are off, you just provided the plane even though they paid for it.

I like the split the cost and have dinner idea. Just remember to mourn yourself during the flight so that the flight has a common purpose :)