advice on hair loss, medications, options?

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Well-Known Member
Alrighty, im 26, generally in good health except a somewhat higher blood pressure level...

but all the men on my mothers side went bald, and i can see its hitting me too.

starting at the back/crown of the head... hair falling out, visibly thinning, etc

and it has really picked up in the last 1 to 2 years, and seems to be accellerating...

whats my options? whats FAA-approved? what works? what is snake oil?

Actually..don't get too freaked out by hairs falling out. I know it may sound counter-intuitive. Hairs fall out all the time, I think we lose 100-200/day?

The thinning though is not because the hair falls out, but it just decreases in size. They essentially become finer hairs, but the follicles still exist. A hair falls out, and the new follicle that replaces it isn't as robust as the original hair.

That's just a little info I read....I guess it doesn't really help you though avoid the process.
Actually..don't get too freaked out by hairs falling out. I know it may sound counter-intuitive. Hairs fall out all the time, I think we lose 100-200/day?

The thinning though is not because the hair falls out, but it just decreases in size. They essentially become finer hairs, but the follicles still exist. A hair falls out, and the new follicle that replaces it isn't as robust as the original hair.

That's just a little info I read....I guess it doesn't really help you though avoid the process.

nah ive ALWAYS been on a rapid cycle of hair falling out, so just seeing it fall out isnt whats getting me, its the noticeable balding area that has cropped up in the last 1 to 2 years... im debating just getting the "Bic" haircut
I'm not sure the good doctor will know what's snake oil, they probably all are....but he would know if there's anything not approved by the FAA...
nah ive ALWAYS been on a rapid cycle of hair falling out, so just seeing it fall out isnt whats getting me, its the noticeable balding area that has cropped up in the last 1 to 2 years... im debating just getting the "Bic" haircut

I always look at it as it'll only grow back in a few weeks if you don't like it. Try it out, see how you like it.
It has to do with PSA levels...

Low dose "Propecia" and Rogaine works for many...

Personally, I'm bald and I'm OK with it, so I wouldn't do it...

I knew this guy at work that did it. You would not believe the Before/After results...
(I asked him about his "love" life and he said it was OK...)
The FAA will grant a Special Issuance for Propecia (Finisteride,
Procaine (Procaine hydrochloride) and Rogaine (Minoxidil).
I saw on TV that men's hair actually thins/falls out faster than women's because men allow their hair to air-dry more than women and the simple fact that the water is allowed into their follicle area more often/longer than women causes it to fall out quicker... I guess it's like watering plants too much? :)

My suggestion that may come across as not very manly to a guy... Get a hairdryer. It takes 2 minutes and can help with the remaining hair you have.
Is procaine linked to any adverse affects? I found some articles that said it is good for overall health and aging, but I cant find if it is FDA approved, just that it has a patent.
I saw on TV that men's hair actually thins/falls out faster than women's because men allow their hair to air-dry more than women and the simple fact that the water is allowed into their follicle area more often/longer than women causes it to fall out quicker... I guess it's like watering plants too much? :)

My suggestion that may come across as not very manly to a guy... Get a hairdryer. It takes 2 minutes and can help with the remaining hair you have.
that doesn't sound right....doug doesn't use a hairdryer and air dries on a daily basis and yet his hair isn't really falling out... i think it's all genetics based.
It sounds like you're just going to be bald like the other men in your family. Some women love bald men & you might like the look once you get used to it.
Mach 3 is your friend. It's very liberating to never have to worry about how much hair you have left.;)

Of course, if you have an ugly mellon, it may not work for you. I've seen some ugly heads out there!!:D
Is procaine linked to any adverse affects? I found some articles that said it is good for overall health and aging, but I cant find if it is FDA approved, just that it has a patent.

Read my post. If the FAA approves it, it is FDA approved. They do not approve any medication the FDA has not approved.
Time to put this one to rest.

Feel free to share any additional hair loss advice in the Lav.

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