Accelerating at 10,000'

I haven’t seen any hard rule about 310 by 11000 and much to your LCA’s chagrin, there isn’t one.

Hit 10,000, accelerate to a cruise climb speed (in the reduced climb) and break into that sang’which you bought in the terminal.

Slow your descent approaching 10,000 to help slow, hopefully reaching 250 somewhere slightly above 10,000 and then put the sang’which away.
If it takes you the whole leg to eat it, you bought one huge sang'which!
If it takes you the whole leg to eat it, you bought one huge sang'which!
Clearly none of you have been to Full Belly Deli right off the field in RNO. That city isn’t good for much but what passes for a sandwich at that place is really a full loaf of bread crammed full of cold cuts, veggies, and condiments.
Why? Unless you've been issued a speed restriction, whatever technique is used is okay. If it's your leg, do your thing. If it's the other guy's leg, let him do his. I've seen people use VNAV, CWS pitch, VS, etc. It's all the same except for a few knots or a few hundred feet.
Because they are the few, proud, best of the best- with honors. Im just kidding, they're just normies.
Clearly none of you have been to Full Belly Deli right off the field in RNO. That city isn’t good for much but what passes for a sandwich at that place is really a full loaf of bread crammed full of cold cuts, veggies, and condiments.

(To the rhythm of the J.G. Wentworth commercial)

"When you have a meth addiction and you neeeeed smack noooooow"

"Fly to K R N O, 8 7 7 smack nowwwwww!"
Those guys are the GRAMMAR police. This was a SPELLING violation. Those grammar cops are no-talent ass clowns. They're like mall cops with a thesaurus. They think diagramming sentences will save us all.

Spelling is the yardstick of civilization, son.
Jane helped Jack off the horse.
Jane helped jack off the horse.

And capitalization/mechanics is the keystone.
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Manage deceleration such that you can do it all at once at idle and you've saved a significant amount of fuel. Especially if you multiply that by the 2,500+ daily departures.
I've always thought this to be true but Boeing has decided on the newer airplanes that descending with some sort of non idle thrust for a longer time is better.