I was in RAP on the ramp when this happened. First of all, the last line of the NTSB report lists his last radio transmission as unintelligible. I can tell you first hand it wasn't. The local rumor mill has created the following story, I don't know if it's true or not. Apparently this gentleman used the UND airplane to go either part or all of the way to a regional interview, and was told prior to leaving that he would not be offered the job. To drown his sorrows he got drunk, and got a DUI on the way to his hotel from the bar. The next day, which would be the day of the accident he phoned UND to inform them that he was on his way back, and that he had gotten a DUI, and was informed that he could no longer instruct at the school. Take it with a grain of salt, it's fifth hand rumor mill. I had just finished ATP a few weeks before, so seeing the Seminole crash really hit close to home. What a nasty thing to do to a controller and a school, I feel for the guy, but whatever the circumstances he should have handled things differently.