A little rant….

I’ve never understood pilots that cover the camera on their iPad. As if the airline would actually pay for software to auto-view and record pilots, invest in a storage space to store downloaded videos on a company server, and have some internal policing force that monitors said activities?

To quote the teddy bear from Ted, “that’s not in our budget here.”
Sorry to necropost guys, but reference to the below video popped up in my Instagram feed this morning and got my thinking about it.

Pilot Influencers: THIS is how you do a "Day In The Life" video!
View: https://youtu.be/vZU7bfOeiu8?si=WkT7bKaFk7x_cO6V

Ahhhh….Mr Morden. The old crew room in MEM.

The glorious thing about MEM is the entire terminal was 100% saturated by BBQ smell from Corky’s and Interstate. You could smell it as soon as they cracked the cabin door.

Good ground crew. Staying in the “Skybox” was one of my more peculiar hotel experiences.

Modern software could probably filter out that 400hz.
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If yall want some interesting aviation videos find yourself some Cartelgram. The places those guys take anything from a 172 to a GV is impressive if you ignore everything else involved in cartels.

Like literally the dudes taking off in the middle of the forest in a 421, flying in formation and landing on a dirt strip someplace in Sinaloa? :)
Unfortunately I think hes an AA guy. We have Dacujji and this guy, oh my goodness, im going to go cry in the corner now.
nope he's at Frontier (unless he came over in the past recently), he was at my Crashpad when I was in MIA. Nice guy, a little narcissistic but very straight edge.

was explaining how the monetization worked for his social media...long story short, he put A LOT of time into it for not that much money. I believe his best month was ~$2000 but averaged ~$1000/month, said most of "income" came in the form of free products (which did add up a lot)
How badly did it smell of burnt coffee and cigarettes?

It wasn't bad. No alarming smells. Just a ratty ole' crew room w/busted ass furniture we've all seen a 1,000 times. Offices in the back for the check in staff and the CPO. One forlorn Coke machine. Lots of mail boxes and green screen computers.

Assuming the date stamp on the video is correct, it was nearly identical in 1998, 9 years later, and remained that way for at least another couple of years.
Sorry to necropost guys, but reference to the below video popped up in my Instagram feed this morning and got my thinking about it.

Pilot Influencers: THIS is how you do a "Day In The Life" video!
View: https://youtu.be/vZU7bfOeiu8?si=WkT7bKaFk7x_cO6V

Exactly. This guy just take a camcorder to work and had fun. No practice runs. Called a FA a doll. Back when that wasn’t derogatory. When men were men and women were women and no one got offended easily.
Exactly. This guy just take a camcorder to work and had fun. No practice runs. Called a FA a doll. Back when that wasn’t derogatory. When men were men and women were women and no one got offended easily.

The likelihood of the environment that enabled him to call a stranger “doll” is the same environment that enabled people to call you and I some unsavory things without fear of retribution.

The “good old days” are a myth.