A little rant….

I know it sounds like a very hollow lonely life, but I refuse to pay any subscriptions. I don't have any streaming services, people will ask me if I've seen the latest episode of anything and I'll either give them an askance glance or ignore them altogether. People used to complain about the cost of cable/satellite TV and claimed to cut the cord. Now they're paying more than they were then. If I really want to watch something I can get it, but it doesn't happen that often. I haven't seen Oppenheimer yet, perhaps I will.

I think if anyone is being honest with themselves, other than apparently you (since you don't have these things), we could probably agree that a lot of wasted money goes out to Netflix and others. Most people I know have multiple subscription TV providers. Of course the silver lining of that, is you get some pretty big budget productions in the form of exclusive series and miniseries. But one might argue that is also a bad thing for traditional cinema and television. Which is also an ironic thing to say, since baby Bob plopped down on the earth around the time those things we consider "traditional" were quite ground breaking. And they were bad for traditional radio at the time :)
Don't get me started on my rant about things that don't have "OFF" buttons/switches anymore Bob :)

(to your point about the smart TV)

I don't know if you're old enough to remember the TV series "Max Headroom" - bit of a dystopian sci-fi thing starring Matt Frewer and Amanda Pays, but in that world, where television networks rule, it is illegal for a television to have an off-switch.

Add to the list “everything as a service/subscription”.

Everyone has pretty much embraced this for legitimate business reasons. It's been long-known (it is known, Khaleesi) in the IT world that companies really don't want to own their tech due to obsolescence far outpacing their ability to depreciate equipment. Someone finally figured out that paying for what you use makes a lot of sense in other places.

Subscription models create linear, predictable cashflow and linear, predictable things are what markets adore. I realize you're also not a fan of capitalism in its current form; I get it, I'm just pointing out that this is a logical evolution of the system.

Oh, Gawd…..no, that’s not the one I was talking about but another one for the “do not watch” list. The video below is the one I was referencing:

Regional f/o to Southwest B737 f/o in a couple years (if that?), no turbine PIC, no college degree. Seems like a nice gal. Not that I believe a college degree, B737 type or PIC turbine time makes you a better SW pilot. Just pointing out how theses past hiring hurdles and standards have been dropped over a short period of time.

View: https://youtu.be/uHaqxuNcqPU
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Everyone has pretty much embraced this for legitimate business reasons. It's been long-known (it is known, Khaleesi) in the IT world that companies really don't want to own their tech due to obsolescence far outpacing their ability to depreciate equipment. Someone finally figured out that paying for what you use makes a lot of sense in other places.

Subscription models create linear, predictable cashflow and linear, predictable things are what markets adore. I realize you're also not a fan of capitalism in its current form; I get it, I'm just pointing out that this is a logical evolution of the system.
And I don’t give a •. It’s the ultimate evolution of scumbag capitalism that • you buy, you don’t even own. It was bad enough when it was just software, but now it’s creeping into media and even hardware via required paid updates and so on. Coupled with intentionally making things difficult/impossible to repair, accelerating cycles of planned obsolescence, consolidation in every industry, etc, it’s like these corporations are trying to model every • thing about capitalism to the nth degree.
And I don’t give a •. It’s the ultimate evolution of scumbag capitalism that • you buy, you don’t even own. It was bad enough when it was just software, but now it’s creeping into media and even hardware via required paid updates and so on. Coupled with intentionally making things difficult/impossible to repair, accelerating cycles of planned obsolescence, consolidation in every industry, etc, it’s like these corporations are trying to model every • thing about capitalism to the nth degree.

Admittedly, I'm not motivated enough to do some real research, but I can't think of a subscription model that has completely replaced my ability to own a specific product that existed before a subscription model....it's just another way to buy/consume. As for hardware, service/upgrade contracts have always been a thing at the commercial level - there's nothing new there. I mean, even the engines on the airplane you fly are sourced as power-by-the-hour; the airline doesn't own them, they lease/rent them. Most airlines do, to my understanding.

I will concede that Tesla is really blurring the lines in some places with subscription features for the car, but if we can get right to repair sorted out (see further commentary on that) then I won't necessarily have to buy their feature if I can get an aftermarket option, post-warranty.

Right to repair is a different issue, and I'm 100% with you on it; if I own something, I ought to be able to repair and modify it as I please. But if I don't own it - or if I own it but expect warranty coverage, then the issue is more nuanced.

The reason you're seeing so much proliferation of pay-as-you-go/consume/subscription models is because people are willing to pay for it. You may find the notion morally objectionable or, at best, simply irritating, but there is a market out there which does so, happily. And, frequently, it really does make better financial sense for the user in many cases.
Oh, Gawd…..no, that’s not the one I was talking about but another one for the “do not watch” list. The video below is the one I was referencing:

Regional f/o to Southwest B737 f/o in a couple years (if that?), no turbine PIC, no college degree. Seems like a nice gal. Not that I believe a college degree, B737 type or PIC turbine time makes you a better SW pilot. Just pointing out how theses past hiring hurdles and standards have been dropped over a short period of time.

View: https://youtu.be/uHaqxuNcqPU

Well she checks at least one box that helps. Hell UAL has been doing that for some time after losing a consent decree. My cousin applied to UAL in the mid 90s after getting out of the USCG flying the herc. He couldn't even get an interview with them. But they hired a female riddle grad with 600 hrs total time no 1000 TPIC actually no TPIC and no turbine time. Cousin would up at Alaska just hung it up last year had enough of it . Retired at 60. I knew people that spent 10 years in the FE seat before moving into a pilot slot. Interesting to see how times have changed.
Oh, Gawd…..no, that’s not the one I was talking about but another one for the “do not watch” list. The video below is the one I was referencing:

Regional f/o to Southwest B737 f/o in a couple years (if that?), no turbine PIC, no college degree. Seems like a nice gal. Not that I believe a college degree, B737 type or PIC turbine time makes you a better SW pilot. Just pointing out how theses past hiring hurdles and standards have been dropped over a short period of time.

View: https://youtu.be/uHaqxuNcqPU

Times have definitely changed.

I just hope people in their shoes appreciate their good luck, timing, and circumstances. I think for some of these youngsters, it’s the fact they’re in their dreamy photo/camera stage, with NO knowledge or respect for aviation and its history. The true concept of a seniority system hasn’t sunk in, because all they’ve known are the good times of rapid hiring, upgrades, and movement.

Flew with a guy who liked taking pics. We were talking about MAX and aviation safety, and I said we’d come a long way, and how for a while JFK lost one widebody almost every year. He had no clue. I said TWA 800 in 1996. No bells. Swiss air MD11 fire in 1998. No clue. Egypt Air 990 suicide in 1999. Nothing. He said he was born in 1995, and he didn’t know any of this.

Ugh. Instead of trying to take selfies in the flight deck, why not pick up a history book.

Anyway, I said it before, I’ll repeat: this new generation would not know how to deal with a true aviation downturn and furlough situation.
Anyway, I said it before, I’ll repeat: this new generation would not know how to deal with a true aviation downturn and furlough situation.

And it’s coming….sooner than they think! We all no how cyclical aviation is and we’re due another downturn.

Ugh. Instead of trying to take selfies in the flight deck, why not pick up a history book.
Exactly! For many it’s as if nothing existed prior to their birth.
As much as I'd like to yell at clouds over these YouTube narcissists, my experience both at work and with my fun warbird flying is that there are still plenty of smart, thoughtful, talented, and skilled younger people in aviation. So I generally believe that the highly-visible outliers are just that, and not indicative of the norm. I try and encourage and mentor the latter and appropriately ignore and not promote the former.

Social trends are just that, and every generation before has scoffed every generation after...and yet somehow Darwinism is still the law of nature and the human race plows ahead. Maybe the Strauss-Howe theory is true, maybe it isn't. An industry downturn might be a datapoint on that, too.
One vlogger I recently came across (Pilot Pete) flies for FedEx.
FWIW, I ran into Pete on a jumpseat once. I'm not familiar with his YouTube, but I recognized him when I looked him up following your post.

As I remember he was formerly a contestant on more than one network TV reality show (The Bachelorette, IIRC), so there's a bit of self-selection in people who want to appear on reality TV and do this type of YouTube vlogging.

Didn't talk with him enough to have any idea if he'd be good to fly a 5-day trip with, though.
It seems like I'm going against the grain on this one. But I enjoy watching PilotPetes videos. He's always upbeat and positive and it's been interesting seeing the FedEx side of flying. He's not hurting anyone, if it's not to your taste then watch something else.
FWIW, I ran into Pete on a jumpseat once. I'm not familiar with his YouTube, but I recognized him when I looked him up following your post.

As I remember he was formerly a contestant on more than one network TV reality show (The Bachelorette, IIRC), so there's a bit of self-selection in people who want to appear on reality TV and do this type of YouTube vlogging.

Didn't talk with him enough to have any idea if he'd be good to fly a 5-day trip with, though.
I think we’re talking about two different Pete’s here…
FWIW, I ran into Pete on a jumpseat once. I'm not familiar with his YouTube, but I recognized him when I looked him up following your post.

As I remember he was formerly a contestant on more than one network TV reality show (The Bachelorette, IIRC), so there's a bit of self-selection in people who want to appear on reality TV and do this type of YouTube vlogging.

Didn't talk with him enough to have any idea if he'd be good to fly a 5-day trip with, though.

He went from DL to UA to FedEx?
Coming to you LIVE from my disciplinary hearing where the Chief Pilot and my ALPA rep both look pretty pissed off…like and favorite this and hit the bell to get notified about what happens next! #shorts

(just kidding - it would appear some of this is if not expressly encouraged by certain corners, it’s at least tacitly approved, which, eh, whatever.)
Recruitment gonna recruit

And it’s coming….sooner than they think! We all no how cyclical aviation is and we’re due another downturn.

Another group I'm part of has been reading the tea leaves, if you will, for a few months, and I'd say there is some general paranoia about it. I can't quite tell if this is legitimate, or another "the recession is coming" (prediction of 2021, and then 2022, and 2023, and now once again, 2024). I think there are probably some signs pointing towards "yes", but that really presumes that the airlines know what they are doing, and aren't also caught up in the "a recession is coming because Fox News said so" hysteria. Domestic booking/revenue is down. Sounds like especially at the low/ULCC end. Hard to tell if that is going to be sustained or not. Most of you guys know a lot more about this than I do though.