Sorry to hear above your dad. Dementia is ugly. My grandfather suffered from dementia. He died in his sleep, likely a stroke or heart attack, sparing him from the last stages of dementia. My other grandfather had renal cancer. He was doing well, then had a fall. He was gone a month later.At that age, a broken hip or pelvis can start the clock.
My father had a rapid dementia. Thankfully, he was somewhat self-aware and just couldn’t make sense of his cognitive decline. He maintained his mobility and sense of humor until his final weeks. He thought it was sadly humorous that he couldn’t remember anything.
I’m an atheist. I used to have well-developed, albeit lengthy, arguments against belief in one or more gods. My arguments has evolved into one sentence.
A loving and omnipotent god would not allow people to outlive their dogs or let aging folks suffer with dementia.
I'm also an atheist. Your point about the seemingly lack of a loving
god is well-taken, but it's also a false dichotomy. If there is a god, maybe he/she (if god has a gender) is omnipotent but not loving, or maybe they aren't at all involved with humans, or maybe god enjoys the suffering of others. Or there may be multiple gods.