Boeing Lounge 737 gate cooling tips

It can help with putting out a fire developing in the cabin. 99% of the time it’s a medical emergency.

Sometimes for my sanity, I just turn it off though.

Thats fair, and admittedly, not my immediate wheel house at this stage of my life.
Thats fair, and admittedly, not my immediate wheel house at this stage of my life.

At one point I was just blissfully looking at clouds and listening to Dr Dre when I got a lecture about why I should listen to the cabin channel from the captain. 🤷‍♂️

I’d never expect an FO to do that. I know I can just look at the FO and say. Have fun with single pilot, there’s something that needs my attention in the back. I’m immensely grateful for such great coworkers. Even at the gate the average FO is a baller. I just put out fires or I chill until they are done and then we verify the route. My offer stands: "I'll go get you a coffee or do the walk around. Your choice. Just don't let me bother you."

Sometimes eavesdropping on SVC or PA helps me stay ahead of things because you can start planning a divert or similar. It was really a big deal when you had to play operator for MEDLINK and the FAs. Not as much anymore but you never know when the FA method of communication with MEDLINK is going to stop working or just doesn't work. Since I’m below average I need all the help I can get.

For whatever reason, that’s the culture here. The screens anyway and 108s in the navs. We also do the probe heat and iso valve wrong per this thread.
108s in the navs? That’s an interesting one. Everybody here just leaves it how it was, 90%+ chance that’s what you’ll want set for an emergency return anyway. And then 90% of the time SEA VOR is in the stby, lol.
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We have a weird trend from senior guys (Not sure if it's a LCAL or LUAL mentality...)

I had a 4 day with an LCA, but not on OE, just a regular trip that didn't get bought off for training. SE taxi out of IAH, hot day, We start 2 first, go out on that, I setup the bleeds to go off the APU, Engine 1 and 2 off, bleeds auto and ISOL auto. CA looks at me crazy, "Here we leave the bleeds on for SE Taxi." He wanted Eng 1 bleed on, L pack auto, ISOL closed, R pack auto, Eng 2 bleed auto, APU bleed on. Ok boss.

SOP is to shut down 2 once the gate is made (No left turns into the gate on Eng 1, etc. FO normally shuts off the L pack, then kills Eng. 2.
The Proudly All Boeing operator didn’t teach • about what to do for packs on single engine taxi in in indoc. They probably gestured in the general direction of the supplemental procedures section of the FH, but there’s nothing in any of the flows you have to learn or the normal checklists about it and you certainly don’t practice it in any of the FTD, Sim, or LOFT. Might do some on OE if you go through in summer. Made it kinda awkward when a CA asked “what are they teaching you to do with the bleeds on a single engine taxi in?”
108s in the navs? That’s an interesting one. Everybody here just leaves it how it was, 90%+ chance that’s what you’ll want set for an emergency return anyway. And then 90% of the time SEA VOR is in the stby, lol.
Yeah. There are many things I miss about the 787 already. But I guess it’s nice the gu-pay (that was an autocorrect I’m in love with) keeps you busy at least.
Yeah. There are many things I miss about the 787 already. But I guess it’s nice the gu-pay (that was an autocorrect I’m in love with) keeps you busy at least.
Lol, I destroyed my phone screen in the MCO layover gym trying to find the user manual for the overly complicated exercise bike. I then took it to one of the at least 4 phone repair stands in the adjoining mall. The off brand replacement screen is just not quite right in its responsiveness, so typos and therefore absurd autocorrects are up approximately a billionty percent. Also now some chargers make the entire touchscreen freak the • out
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At one point I was just blissfully looking at clouds and listening to Dr Dre when I got a lecture about why I should listen to the cabin channel from the captain. 🤷‍♂️

I’d never expect an FO to do that. I know I can just look at the FO and say. Have fun with single pilot, there’s something that needs my attention in the back. I’m immensely grateful for such great coworkers. Even at the gate the average FO is a baller. I just put out fires or I chill until they are done and then we verify the route. My offer stands: "I'll go get you a coffee or do the walk around. Your choice. Just don't let me bother you."

Sometimes eavesdropping on SVC or PA helps me stay ahead of things because you can start planning a divert or similar. It was really a big deal when you had to play operator for MEDLINK and the FAs. Not as much anymore but you never know when the FA method of communication with MEDLINK is going to stop working or just doesn't work. Since I’m below average I need all the help I can get.
Wait, your FAs can communicate directly with medlink?!! That's a massive game changer. (sigh) Alright. Tell me how far my airline is stuck in the past THIS time.
Wait, your FAs can communicate directly with medlink?!! That's a massive game changer. (sigh) Alright. Tell me how far my airline is stuck in the past THIS time.
Yup. But now the threat is they go through the whole event and forget to keep us in the loop.
Wait, your FAs can communicate directly with medlink?!! That's a massive game changer. (sigh) Alright. Tell me how far my airline is stuck in the past THIS time.

Yeah, but it’s sounds like a clown show, listening to ARINC.
Ya I guess I assumed it was just via satcom…maybe Mike is hearing the older system where they have a headset but it still routes through our audio panels?

Yes sir. The pilots make the initial call to their dispatch via ARINC, to connect to medlink. Then they hand it off to their FA in the back. I’ve heard a few airlines do it this way, and the comms seem to get stepped on, and both ends….doctor and the FAs….not seeming to be able to hear one another well for some reason. So it becomes a communication whack a mole game, people talking over one another and such…..very slow progress due to information flow issues.

We monitor ARINC, so I’m often hearing the initiation of these comms by various airlines, along with the standard SELCAL checks or takeoff times being relayed or Mx problems being discussed.
Yes sir. The pilots make the initial call to their dispatch via ARINC, to connect to medlink. Then they hand it off to their FA in the back. I’ve heard a few airlines do it this way, and the comms seem to get stepped on, and both ends….doctor and the FAs….not seeming to be able to hear one another well for some reason. So it becomes a communication whack a mole game, people talking over one another and such…..very slow progress due to information flow issues.

We monitor ARINC, so I’m often hearing the initiation of these comms by various airlines, along with the standard SELCAL checks or takeoff times being relayed or Mx problems being discussed.
I’m fairly sure the new hotness just gives them a satcom link through their handheld device.