Boeing Lounge 737 gate cooling tips

Our AOM says to open it in that configuration, but if that works then what’s the difference?

I wonder if that’s another holdover from the classic days since it was so different from the NG when it came to ground cooling, of lack thereof.
That just means someone at the GO doesn't understand the system either. But is that really surprising? You're talking about an airline where they still turn off the probe heat after every flight as opposed to leaving them in auto..
That just means someone at the GO doesn't understand the system either. But is that really surprising? You're talking about an airline where they still turn off the probe heat after every flight as opposed to leaving them in auto..
LOL you're totally right on that one and no that doesn't surprise me at all.

Fun fact, back in the 90s they used to shut the anti-skid off in flight so we can be thankful that Boeing took that switch out of the NG.
Then, there’s the weirdos who full turn down the volumes knobs of all the radios post flight.

Or the ones who full-dim all the screens of the displays post flight too.
That just means someone at the GO doesn't understand the system either. But is that really surprising? You're talking about an airline where they still turn off the probe heat after every flight as opposed to leaving them in auto..

haha........I was going to respond to this, and then I realized that the word "AUTO" means something. What you meant to say (I think) is that we actively put them to "ON" during the overhead preflight flow, and back to AUTO on the after landing flow. And yes, if they are in ON mistakenly on the ground (due to this practice), it will prevent you from loading PERF or Takeoff data. Ask me how I know
It seems obvious but lost on many. We both can't leave at the same time because the cockpit is so small. When I'm trying to grab my bag from the storage on the side of my seat, standing behind the center console. It's comical when the other pilot decides that now is the time to get up.

It's really easy if someone leaves right away.
We can still hold hands in the terminal building tho :bounce:

Fair enough. I normally just stay seated, since I am probably still trying to figure out how to pack everything back into my bag without forgetting anything, and banging my arms up in the process. By the time I get up, the cleaners have boxed me in for the next 10 mins.

I did have a CA a few weeks ago wait for me at the top of the bridge and walk with me to the shuttle. Great guy, I might have held his hand if he'd asked :)
Then, there’s the weirdos who full turn down the volumes knobs of all the radios post flight.

Or the ones who full-dim all the screens of the displays post flight too.

A corollary is CA's that fly around with cabin and PA full time selected and turned up. I am not trying to monitor that • when things get busy. I don't know how they can stand it
haha........I was going to respond to this, and then I realized that the word "AUTO" means something. What you meant to say (I think) is that we actively put them to "ON" during the after start flow, and back to AUTO on the after landing flow. And yes, if they are in ON mistakenly on the ground (due to this practice), it will prevent you from loading PERF or Takeoff data. Ask me how I know
A corollary is CA's that fly around with cabin and PA full time selected and turned up. I am not trying to monitor that • when things get busy. I don't know how they can stand it
That just tells you how little the CAs have to do at this credit card company airline 😛
haha 1 hr ground turn with an aircraft change in a different terminal? No problem......"see you at the gate" lol
“I got some phone calls to make”
“I’ve gotta stop by the resource room”
“See ya at the jjjjjjeeeetttt”
“I got some phone calls to make”
“I’ve gotta stop by the resource room”
“See ya at the jjjjjjeeeetttt”

True story, a "friend" may have done the walk around of a United MAX in Maui, until they got to the right side and saw the giant UNITED paint. Boy are those birds clean :) (so he says)
Then, there’s the weirdos who full turn down the volumes knobs of all the radios post flight.

Or the ones who full-dim all the screens of the displays post flight too.

For whatever reason, that’s the culture here. The screens anyway and 108s in the navs. We also do the probe heat and iso valve wrong per this thread.
What is your shop’s procedure for SE taxi in?

We taxi out on engine #2 for SE taxi.

After landing, we taxi in on #1 and shut #2.

With that, for additional airflow:

APU on, APU bleed on, with both engine bleeds off.

But what about the procedure for no APU?

We used to do just isol valve open. Then left engine is doing both sides.

Now we got a procedural change:

Left pack off.

Now, isol in auto makes isol open, and right pack supplied, and duct pressures actually higher (better).

We have a weird trend from senior guys (Not sure if it's a LCAL or LUAL mentality...)

I had a 4 day with an LCA, but not on OE, just a regular trip that didn't get bought off for training. SE taxi out of IAH, hot day, We start 2 first, go out on that, I setup the bleeds to go off the APU, Engine 1 and 2 off, bleeds auto and ISOL auto. CA looks at me crazy, "Here we leave the bleeds on for SE Taxi." He wanted Eng 1 bleed on, L pack auto, ISOL closed, R pack auto, Eng 2 bleed auto, APU bleed on. Ok boss.

SOP is to shut down 2 once the gate is made (No left turns into the gate on Eng 1, etc. FO normally shuts off the L pack, then kills Eng. 2.

For whatever reason, that’s the culture here. The screens anyway and 108s in the navs. We also do the probe heat and iso valve wrong per this thread.

Dimming the displays is SOP here, but we also don't normally shut down the whole jet when we terminate it, which I don't agree with but I try to just shut up and color.

For whatever reason, that’s the culture here. The screens anyway and 108s in the navs. We also do the probe heat and iso valve wrong per this thread.

Dimming the displays is SOP here, but we also don't normally shut down the whole jet when we terminate it, which I don't agree with but I try to just shut up and color.

Dimming the displays is a holdover from the Classic, with its type of displays in the partial glass. Itt’s not required for the NGs displays or beyond as they are newer tech.
Dimming the displays is a holdover from the Classic, with its type of displays in the partial glass. Itt’s not required for the NGs displays or beyond as they are newer tech.
I'm sure every airline has their "Well that's the way we've always done it" things. Probably why WN still pushes with the A's off and B's on, but everyone else has all Hydraulics on for the push.
Dimming the displays is SOP here, but we also don't normally shut down the whole jet when we terminate it, which I don't agree with but I try to just shut up and color.

Dimming the displays is a holdover from the Classic, with its type of displays in the partial glass. Itt’s not required for the NGs displays or beyond as they are newer tech.

Yeah. They finally took the dimming screens out of our procedures with the latest flight handbook revision.
A corollary is CA's that fly around with cabin and PA full time selected and turned up. I am not trying to monitor that • when things get busy. I don't know how they can stand it

It can help with putting out a fire developing in the cabin. 99% of the time it’s a medical emergency.

Sometimes for my sanity, I just turn it off though.
CA looks at me crazy, "Here we leave the bleeds on for SE Taxi." He wanted Eng 1 bleed on, L pack auto, ISOL closed, R pack auto, Eng 2 bleed auto, APU bleed on. Ok boss.

To be fair, that is the "safe" way to turn both packs on, if you don't understand that panel. It works in SEA when it is like 65 deg :)