Also, you have to understand that when the government changes pay rates, everyone's pay changes. So if you sign a TOL now based on 2009 pay scale, once FY 2010 comes around your pay could change. Right now NATCA is working out a new contract with the FAA, if it isn't settled by the end of the month, it goes to arbitration. Also, if you are getting 16% locality pay, then it would be 33,700 * 1.16 not 1.36. I believe the highest locality pay is 27.96% which makes the starting salary at a facility at that locality pay, under the current pay scale would be 33,700 * 1.2796 = $43,122.52
Another thing, it is not necessarily true that everyone at the academy gets paid the same. It is my understanding that veterans start at the academy at the $33,700 base pay, though I don't remember where I read that. They also receive seniority over non-Veterans with the same experience at a facility with regards to shifts and days off. If you are a civilian and arrive at your facility the same day as a Veteran, the Veteran has seniority.