2 "D" cell or Equivalent???


Well-Known Member
I was wondering what people were using for the required flashlight?

What is an equivalent light? Are they talking about candlepower or lumens, etc....

Has anyone every had any trouble w/ the Feds if they used a smaller, yet powerful light? With the advent of the LED lights, you can get a very bright light in a much smaller package.

During INDOC, the instructor was saying that he uses a mini-light and has never had a problem w/ the Feds.

Whadya think???
I believe equivalent refers to equivalent voltage of two D cell batteries.

I could be mistaken, but I remember reading this somewhere.
I was told that the light needed to be powerful enough for you to see the highest surface, ie the tail. I carry my 2 D cell in my bag but use a small LED to do the walk around.
Anybody know if it has to be on your person or just accessable in the aircraft. I asked and was told that it was in the cockpit and hence we didn't need to carry one. We have cheap walmart specials onboard and most crews just rely on those.
I got a SureFire flashlight. This thing could light up heaven from the ramp. Very bright, lightweight, and small. Got it from www.stopoverstore.com. I'm hoping someday a Fed goes, "That isn't a D cell," so I can shine it in his face and say "but I thought it would be bright enough, no?" Ha, yeah just kidding.
I got a surefire flashlight as well. I love it. Its small and space is a luxury i dont have in my flightcase. i think i got mine on ebay for like 25 or 30 bucks. it is definitly pricier than the 99 cent walmart special. But i think it was money well spent.

Chicaga, that would be pretty funny, tell me how that goes. I think surefire claims it will temporarily blind someone if flashed in their eyes.

e2, do you mean you guys have flashlights in addition to the emergency one in the flightdeck?
"Me three" on the Surefire. I paid $28-ish for it at an Army PX. Very bright beam and I like the nice, even lighting produced by the dimpled reflector, but it sucks batteries like no tomorrow and takes only those expensive odd-sized lithium 3-volt batteries.
Yo Rocketman

suck it up huh? I don't think there's enough room for a magbaton in my case....besides, it already weighs about 80 lbs....ok, not quit but it's a beast.

Sorry I haven't replied to the PM yet.......will do so soon....probably tomorrow. The line is great.....flying out of ITH and rackin' up the hours. You guys should have a blast in SCE....I did my undergrad at Penn State......if you have any questions about the area, I can probably help you.

Back to our regularly scheduled programming...........

Thanks to everyone for all the input about the batts/ flashlights.
I have a 2 D cell Maglight.
Bright, bulletproof, and battery-friendly. Downside: Too Damn Big.
I just recently read that regulation while perusing the FAR's and wondered that myself. Surfire, man that's the only way to go. I bought mine online from surfire.com and had them shipped directly to the desert. They do use a lot of juice but it's well worth it. I'm with FlyChicaga. No Fed could argue with that. I'm a fueler and when I'm airline side and a F/O is doing his walk around at night somtimes i'll illuminate the right main for him/her. They can pretty much check everything out under there on both sides. A pure and solid beam of white light. Can't beat it.

Well, funny enough.......I got ramp checked today.:eek: Holy crap, I was a little nervous to see if the FAA Inspector (he was only there to help :sarcasm:) was going to follow me on the walk-around. When I found out we were getting checked out, I went in the ready room to put new batts in my LED light....it's not a Surefire......but it's bright and I wanted it to be as bright as that little light could shine. :) Although, think I'm gonna get a surefire soon.....had been checking them out prior to this post......need to do a little more price shopping first.

Well, it turns out he was only there to check out the de-icing equipment/ area and gave us a very quick look.....certificates/ medicals....then onto the flight deck and checked the logs w/ the captain. He never even looked at the outside of the plane......whew.

So, Chicaga.......I never did get the opportunity to stick my light in his face.....lol
I got a 1.5W led light at Target. Made by River Rock (or Rock River can't remember) it's "2x brighter than a standard flashlight). It's in a waterproof machined alumumnium case and runs an C cell batteries. Good for 9 hours of use. $24 bucks. C-Cells are hella cheaper than the lithiums the surefires need and run lionger. Not quite as bright as a Surefire but good enough for me.