Well-Known Member
Those sons of • should be burnt.And don’t even get me started on the guys skirting above the D’s and below the B at 2700/2800 when I need to be there at 3000.
Those sons of • should be burnt.And don’t even get me started on the guys skirting above the D’s and below the B at 2700/2800 when I need to be there at 3000.
The biggest opponent of doing anything that expands a Bravo or Charlie airspace is the AOPA. It takes a literal act of Congress to change bravo airspace. Expanding the bravo would put less strain on ATC because we wouldn’t have to dedicate so much time avoiding kamikaze VFR’s.
I mean obviously I'm subject to Old Man Bias, but it does seem to me that GA has become a lot less Peter Garrison, and a lot more Mr. Garrison. (how small is the demographic which will recognize both names, I wonder).
They’ve figured out a work around with the “super Charlie’s”.
“Grew up” in GA, and have been a staunch defender for most of my life, but the big money has moved it and it’s become really, really tiresome.
Even reading the EAA mag these days, every single article is about some resto that cost money way beyond a reasonable expense, even for the JC crowd, or the people doing it are juiced in with the right people. That • gets old to read about. Shops and hangars are saturated with people whose coin has outstripped the downward sloping supply, and the resulting price escalation will never outstrip them like it has most of us.
LOL at pilots deciding that because they decided they only want to fly into busy Metropolitans at work and all GA fields under Bravo should be shut down.
Yeah, good luck with that. Some of us plan to fly GA forever regardless of getting paid to do it and live in Metropolitans, and will always defend it. I've never caused an RA in my life as far as I know, but sure, why should I be allowed to exist in the sky when SFO is a few nm away? Airplanes are for commerce rabble rabble GA flying risks my career so I don't do it rabble rabble planes are work not fun, I guess.
Last I checked, there aren't VFR corridors taking Cessnas 200ft past runways at major airports. Leave it to pilots to hate on pilots. You know how you get good at VFR Class B flying? By flying VFR in Class B.
LOL at pilots deciding that because they decided they only want to fly into busy Metropolitans at work and all GA fields under Bravo should be shut down.
Yeah, good luck with that. Some of us plan to fly GA forever regardless of getting paid to do it and live in Metropolitans, and will always defend it. I've never caused an RA in my life as far as I know, but sure, why should I be allowed to exist in the sky when SFO is a few nm away? Airplanes are for commerce rabble rabble GA flying risks my career so I don't do it rabble rabble planes are work not fun, I guess.
Last I checked, there aren't VFR corridors taking Cessnas 200ft past runways at major airports. Leave it to pilots to hate on pilots. You know how you get good at VFR Class B flying? By flying VFR in Class B.
Some of the most prominent midair’s in the USA have been with GArpies.
PSA 182 called the GArpie insight, BUT, the GArpie also did not follow his ATC assigned heading. Had he done so, the collision wouldn’t have happened.
Aeromexico 498, caused by some clueless GArpie who had no clue where he was going and busted into the TCA.
Every RA I’ve had when holding has been a GArpie just flying along fat dumb and happy at the +500 VFR altitude. Eg, I’m at 7000 so he’s at 6,500. What is his altimeter setting? When did he set it last time? Has it been updated for where he is at this moment? And is he actually holding 6,500 on the nose? (Narrator: He was not).
Of all the pilots out there, I trust GArpies the least. The least amount of rules, standards, and people who don’t fly for a living and who knows who often they fly to be competent today.
Used to get airliners cleared direct above the top of the MOA we would be inside of working lower level. Doing a maintenance check flight in my jet, was doing a loop with an entry speed of 550+ kts. On the climb portion, it apparently set off an RA on some airliner crossing far above, even though I was about 14,000+ ft below the airliner. Their TCAS saw the momentary 30,000+ fpm climb rate of the target below it, heading straight upward, not knowing I was doing a loop, and apparently issued an TA and RA to the crew sitting fat/dumb/happy in level cruise.
Freaking MiLpie….
Because go-around.
I wonder what the normal rate/year of RA’s in the radius of an airport?At least one RA every month for 13 years, if I read the report correctly?!
Sounds like VNY. The miss on ILS Z 16R requires you to manage altitude at or below 1,750’ until 1.5 DME from the VOR because of traffic to BUR on an approach for RWY 08.
I wonder what the normal rate/year of RA’s in the radius of an airport?
But at home point, it appears either that corridor needs to be adjusted or the CTL needs to go away.
Brother…I wonder what the normal rate/year of RA’s in the radius of an airport?
One a month sounded not nearly as impressive as the fact of apparently no mitigations for more than a decade.
An airport with converging approaches to close parallel runways, or arrivals/departures FLCHing outside the corners of a Class B shelf right where VFR traffic is getting around the airspace can go brrrr.