Or, and hear me out because this is gonna sound like absolute crazy talk. But maybe instead we stop the big old mean government from interfering in the All Powerful Free Market and let airlines decide what's best. We can best accomplish this by not putting artificial barriers on them massively overscheduling airports or burdening them with pesky rules and laws forcing them to actually deliver on their promises or having to compensate passengers for their failures. The faster we get government out of the business of regulating air travel the faster we will get reliable high speed intercity rail networks.
(Yes, it's sarcasm people, well, except the fact I do wish we had a reliable high speed rail network all across the country.)
Except allowing connections is the only way flights on RJs to podunk-ville work from DCA. And heaven forbid a congress critter have to schlep their way out to IAD or BWI to fly home non-stop.