Well-Known Member
Or you know, don’t run a helicopter route 100’ under final approach, because we’re not pulling people out of saigon
How much density in the air littoral space do you think you will see in the next 10 years. How about 25. Somebody sees a drone in Class C airspace these days it’s a news event… that one air vehicle can derail how many thousands in revenue?
If you think a helicopter operating outside parameters for an approved approach is some one in a million situation and managing airspace users and deconfliction of traffic at a speed higher than “see and avoid” will ever achieve isn’t needed. Get ahead of the problem or else you are operating in the 90s.
Congrats to commercial passenger aviation for making it so safe, but guess what in 10-15 years you will not be the preponderance of users in the airspace, automation will be. The military has already figured that out, but as I said in another forum what makes the manned sky bus drivers feel so special they don’t think they need to adapt to the new reality of what is going to be happening in the space from Surface to ~4000agl.
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