Pilot Fighter
Well-Known Member
No, the holds available in each aircraft type and series vary in ability though.
The other issue is the standardization for their use is SOP dependent. From a previous organization “overwater” operations under NVG required use of the ALT-I or RALT hold and had requirements for precisely what altitude the warnings had to be set at. My current organization has no such standards in the SOP because we don’t do overwater as a regular mission set.
I’m not familiar enough with the path they were on to say whether a specific hold mode wouldn’t cause problems (RALT with multiple return hights as you cross over bridges for example). But I know the intelligent altitude hold mode in the 47 was a godsend for a kind of set it and forget it cruise control capability at holding low altitudes. The 64 however, yeah the hold mode kind of sucks in general but especially at low level so it’s almost entirely manual <200-300 AGL.
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Nice info. Thanks for the insights.