SWAPA Strike Vote Closed Early

Actual conversation back in 2018:

Them: “Are we going to strike when the contract expires?”

Me: “No, our contract doesn’t expire, it becomes amenable.”

Them: “My cousin works for GM, and they walked when their contract expired”

Me: “They’re under the NLRA, they can do that. We’re under the RLA, and we can’t”

Them: “They say if we don’t come to a deal, arbitrator will decide, and then we can strike”

Me: “Who is ‘they’? And besides, that’s not how it works, at all”

Them: “I read that if we don’t come to a deal, we go to arbitration”.

Me: “Ah, no. Here are several documents from ALPA that lay out the process and timeline. It’s on your EFB also.”

Them: “I don’t read anything from the union. They supported Bill Clinton”

In retrospect, we should have ordered goons.

It was funny. When they heard that FO's made a flat $14,400 and first year captains made a flat $16,500 whether they worked 5 or 100 hours, they thought we were kidding.

"You wanna wildcat?"

"We can't wildcat"

Just wildcat it! Worked for PATCO…..

Oh, Nevermind. Cancel that…
Actual conversation back in 2018:

Them: “Are we going to strike when the contract expires?”

Me: “No, our contract doesn’t expire, it becomes amenable.”

Them: “My cousin works for GM, and they walked when their contract expired”

Me: “They’re under the NLRA, they can do that. We’re under the RLA, and we can’t”

Them: “They say if we don’t come to a deal, arbitrator will decide, and then we can strike”

Me: “Who is ‘they’? And besides, that’s not how it works, at all”

Them: “I read that if we don’t come to a deal, we go to arbitration”.

Me: “Ah, no. Here are several documents from ALPA that lay out the process and timeline. It’s on your EFB also.”

Them: “I don’t read anything from the union. They supported Bill Clinton”


i believe it.

I gave some 'corrective guidance' to one of our colleagues that was fit to be tied that ATI accepted a $2 million grant from ALPA for negotiations…

"Your dues hard at work, for another airline"

That's e x a c t l y how it's supposed to work and I hope the get the contract they deserve.
i believe it.

I gave some 'corrective guidance' to one of our colleagues that was fit to be tied that ATI accepted a $2 million grant from ALPA for negotiations…

"Your dues hard at work, for another airline"

That's e x a c t l y how it's supposed to work and I hope the get the contract they deserve.
Having just come from a perennially underfunded and understaffed “large B,” now A-carrier MEC, grumble grouse at your colleague.
I was visiting with my wife's family during a long overnight recently. They have a bunch of Fortune magazines from the war years. Pretty interesting reads, but what struck me as a heavily recurring theme was their polling and editorials derived from the polling, about public perceptions of unions. It was of course being used to support the anti-union narrative of the time, segueing nicely into some quality union bashing. It is an interesting thought exercise to consider the deeply held opinions that many consider to have been self-derived. When in fact, the "grooming" has been occurring over decades and decades and as many generations. I'm not a person who views worker's unions as being infallible, but it is mildly amusing to listen to people who know nothing about them speak so emotionally about such contrived opinions. Just why do you think that this opinion was put in your brain? Who did it, and why did they do it? And who do you think it most benefits......you, or the "elites" that you also screech about? Nevermind, it is all a conspiracy....that's the only explanation.....
I was visiting with my wife's family during a long overnight recently. They have a bunch of Fortune magazines from the war years. Pretty interesting reads, but what struck me as a heavily recurring theme was their polling and editorials derived from the polling, about public perceptions of unions. It was of course being used to support the anti-union narrative of the time, segueing nicely into some quality union bashing. It is an interesting thought exercise to consider the deeply held opinions that many consider to have been self-derived. When in fact, the "grooming" has been occurring over decades and decades and as many generations. I'm not a person who views worker's unions as being infallible, but it is mildly amusing to listen to people who know nothing about them speak so emotionally about such contrived opinions. Just why do you think that this opinion was put in your brain? Who did it, and why did they do it? And who do you think it most benefits......you, or the "elites" that you also screech about? Nevermind, it is all a conspiracy....that's the only explanation.....

I found that it’s across the board, and not just from the Fortune reading types.

In fact, I’ve never found a group so openly hostile to organized labor than academia. The “elites” are just as mis-informed about labor issues, and they are just as hostile, if not more so, when it’s their ox they feel is getting gored.

The courts ruling that graduate students and athletes are entitled to not only labor protection but deserve a piece of the action was sweet justice. To listen to the universities, you’d think it was the end of the world their free labor wasn’t going to be free and the rain of pure cash was going to have a few rules attached to it.

Oh, the horror.
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I really hoped the SAV would move the needle, but it sounds like the company is making just enough progress during each session that they can avoid the appearance of an impasse. No supermediation. No around the clock negotiations. Just a couple of days every few weeks. At this rate it’ll be well into 2024 before there’s anything to vote on. Gonna be interesting to see how they continue to recruit pilots when they trail the industry in pay rates, QOL, and benefits.
I really hoped the SAV would move the needle, but it sounds like the company is making just enough progress during each session that they can avoid the appearance of an impasse. No supermediation. No around the clock negotiations. Just a couple of days every few weeks. At this rate it’ll be well into 2024 before there’s anything to vote on. Gonna be interesting to see how they continue to recruit pilots when they trail the industry in pay rates, QOL, and benefits.
Same here but without the SAV. Slow rolling with tiny bits of progress each week.

Meanwhile, new hires on reserve are blowing up our forum with questions like, “I have one day of reserve left and they assigned me a two day trip into my day off with plenty of pilots on reserve with days available on the list. Can they do that!?”

Yes, yes they can.

I’m really surprised the word hasn’t gotten around about our lack of QOL rules.

(That said, I’m super happy here and believe we’ll eventually make good progress, but there’s no effing way I’d end up on reserve voluntarily here.)
"I don't want to pay dues because I'm a 'right to work' voter!"

Meanwhile, they have 20 ACE reports because they feel the company didn't follow the spirit of the contract…


Dude. We have people at our shop that are NOT members of ALPA. They are non-members and pay 1.5% dues instead of the standard 1.85%.

Imagine. Assuming a 350k salary, the dues difference of .35% amounts to $1,225/yr or just $103 bucks per month. Who would turn their back on their own fellow members over $100 bucks per month.
Dude. We have people at our shop that are NOT members of ALPA. They are non-members and pay 1.5% dues instead of the standard 1.85%.

Imagine. Assuming a 350k salary, the dues difference of .35% amounts to $1,225/yr or just $103 bucks per month. Who would turn their back on their own fellow members over $100 bucks per month.

Never underestimate the degree of cheap ass a US airline pilot can be.
Dude. We have people at our shop that are NOT members of ALPA. They are non-members and pay 1.5% dues instead of the standard 1.85%.

Imagine. Assuming a 350k salary, the dues difference of .35% amounts to $1,225/yr or just $103 bucks per month. Who would turn their back on their own fellow members over $100 bucks per month.
You’d be surprised. I seen a few with ALPA. I haven’t seen any with the IPA and I’d probably get stuck by lightning before I do. When one hasn’t been screwed over by the company, don’t understand how bad the company can screw them, or never needed the union’s help before one has the mentality of “I’m just wasting blank amount of money every month paying union dues”. That mentality is how some places keep entire workgroups union free.
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