Ok, it's an airplane, who cares. So it became comical because we'd start messing with him with things like "Oh, I saw a 777 guy at the bar, he was drunk on O'Douls, what a loser!" because he just… wouldn't… let… go…. It's an airplane.
I actually heard your voice in my head when I read, I love you brother.
Buy a sailboat. Or use the extra $30k or so as a captain to travel at your leisure. Sorry, but chasing airplanes because you think they're cool and giving up money for it is just downright sad.
yeah, but that's your dream...this is his. We all have them...some folks all they want to do is fly for SWA, you nope. It's all your own dream and don't down others for living theirs.
Bumblebee said:
yeah, but that's your dream...this is his. We all have them...some folks all they want to do is fly for SWA, you nope. It's all your own dream and don't down others for living theirs.

If your "dream" involves taking a pay cut to fly a shiny new airplane, then you're part of the problem. This is a job, not a hobby.
it's not my dream...but my dream is not being in an office, or managing rental property, or even dissing someone who does. I am way into people getting their thrills the way they want.

Ethan says that flying is flying...well not for me. I gave up a six figure income, doing a pretty cool mission, to get back into fighting fire in an aircraft with no air conditioning for less than 1/5 of the money. This year will be different, but people think I'm crayzie.

People who want to impose onto others their idea of what being successful is, and making money the ultimate scorecard, are lost. I wouldn't say those folks are part of the problem, they are the problem. They undervalue entertainment, art, school plays, smelling a rose, basking for a few extra moments in the last golden light of the day.

If a guy wants to do something, and he gets to do it, he is successful.

If all you see from what you do is the financial gain, that's sad. Like they say, people don't regret taking a day off work from their deathbed, they regret not playing hooky more.
My issues with the the subject material, is that in this industry you spend your whole time waiting to be king. At the regional level, you're chomping on the bit to upgrade and GTFO. At mainline, you're waiting and hoping to be king, because it's probably at least 8-10 year wait time. And you want the pay increase, but also so that you're finally the boss, and no longer a gear swinging underling.

So why someone would take a step backwards, for a plane? I'm unsure. I'm all about bidding to another plane to keep things fresh if you can hold it. Be it in your same rank structure, or bid up. From FO to Captain, but to bid a plane and bid down from Captain to FO. Just seems dumb to me.

I wear six stripes on my uniform, know what they stand for?

I Don't Know, Ask The Captain.

When trouble strikes, it's not my problem, which makes my job the easiest job in the world.

Being an FO isn't all bad
If your "dream" involves taking a pay cut to fly a shiny new airplane, then you're part of the problem. This is a job, not a hobby.

I sat next to a 747 CA on a commute when I was a regional pilot. I felt like I was sitting next to a ledgend. I wanted to hear what he had to say. I figured that he was at the spot we all want to get to.. Be interesting to hear what he had to say. His take: "I wasted my time chasing the money. I followed the money and ended up being junior in planes working harder. I should have stayed senior in a smaller plane and spent more time/more often at home." He said it had been wonderful flying but the family and his health had suffered. Get one shot on this merry go round. Make it count.
I'm probably a poor example.

I have a stack of Airbus 319/320/321 manuals and will be about almost mid-seniority on the captain seat by the time I finish school.

Looking forward to being king.

I imagine you more as an Emperor than King
Doug Emperor.jpg
I wear six stripes on my uniform, know what they stand for?

I Don't Know, Ask The Captain.

When trouble strikes, it's not my problem, which makes my job the easiest job in the world.

Being an FO isn't all bad

Wow...way to have pride in yourself and your profession. I have made it my mission to stop this FO mentality. So many of the guys I fly with are not very good and it's because they take this attitude. Step up and take some initiative. Sure there are things that you should confer with the ca on before deciding but there is also a lot that if you can deal with, I don't have to and can keep the operation running. And don't you dare say "I don't get paid enough money to do XYZ." You get paid to do your job, and that's part of it.

As far as this thread all are silly with your "MMMTO" crap. Sure it's nice and what 98% people want but not everyone. My favorite saying "this is why they make chocolate and vanilla ice cream". As usual ATN comes in here with his negative nancy attitude because he thinks his life sucks because he got stapled to the bottom of the SWA list and then laughs when people call him out for being an •. I get sucks, but seriously, if you don't have anything productive to add to the convo except how you hate life and anyone who wouldn't do what you would do is silly and stupid, then take a break from the forum.

As usual...Derg has productive responses on his forum. Thanks Derg!

Rant over.
You do know "MMMTO" is a phrase I brought to the community, yes? :)

It's something I was told by one of my first captains during my freshman year.
Wow...way to have pride in yourself and your profession. I have made it my mission to stop this FO mentality. So many of the guys I fly with are not very good and it's because they take this attitude. Step up and take some initiative. Sure there are things that you should confer with the ca on before deciding but there is also a lot that if you can deal with, I don't have to and can keep the operation running. And don't you dare say "I don't get paid enough money to do XYZ." You get paid to do your job, and that's part of it.
Oh, bother.

As one of the more [strike]uppity[/strike] self-starter FOs where I work, it depends on who you're flying with. Some guys love it. Some guys don't. Some guys will tell you not to do it anymore (true story, bro). I mostly fly with the same 8 Captains over and over again, and alter my self-starter-ness appropriately. I actually know how to write things up (a task considered Captain Stuff™ at my airline). I know how to do the manifest (and try to stay current on doing that), I know how to do this, that, the other Captain Stuff™. I'm also in the odd position of having more time in this airplane than many in our last batch of upgrades (CRJ FO->EM2 CA) and can therefore tell you what is and is not an appropriate Brasiliaism and other things.

But it's his show; if he wants to run it his way, I'm going to let him short of stupidity, non-compliance, and so on.

If the guy looks over at you and says, "Hey man, what do you think we should do about (___)?" I probably have an opinion on that topic; if the guy wants to be The Emperor over there in the left seat, I'm going to let him unless (1) he's doing something unsafe or (2) doing something quite stupid which usually leads to (1).

tl;dr: tailor yourself to who you are flying with.