College Degree?

† - I don't get curiosity or even politeness from your tone. I read a layer of snark over veiled hostility to my ideas—ideas which, it feels to me, you hold in contempt.

This has always been jtrain's M.O. I quit trying to have civilized discussions with him years ago. He started out by insulting me and my profession. He showed his true colors as an arrogant elitist. He would have made a perfect lawyer.
This has always been jtrain's M.O. I quit trying to have civilized discussions with him years ago. He started out by insulting me and my profession. He showed his true colors as an arrogant elitist. He would have made a perfect lawyer.

The preferred nomenclature is "Barrister". Good day sir, GOOD DAY. :)
Always hungry.

Always scheming.

Always looking for that golden opportunity to make the evening awkward by showing us your twerk dance.
I'll make your bubs-bubs bouce!

Jtrain is class act IRL. I don't agree with some things he says online but after meeting him at NJC I had a new appreciation for what he says. Still a hack though.
I'll make your bubs-bubs bouce!

Jtrain is class act IRL. I don't agree with some things he says online but after meeting him at NJC I had a new appreciation for what he says. Still a hack though.

I've never met him, but his posts always seem spot-on to me. He seems like a good dude.
No degree here....

In all honesty, I don't know if I'll ever finish getting it either. I'm a little over 60% done with BA but the attraction of getting it is becoming less and less while becoming more and more expensive.

Here's my take on degrees:

If you want to join a structured career field where a degree is required, you're better off sucking it up earlier than later and trying finish as quickly as possible to get the earliest entry into said field.

If you want to create your own structure (Entrepreneur, Inventor) you don't need a piece of paper telling you, you have the drive or the work ethic to make it successful.

If you don't fall into the first category, don't fight it. If you're in the second category, make us non-degree holding people look exquisitely well and become a millionaire please! :)

I have two unique sets of experiences. I hire people for a corporate America job and I hire people for my start up business. For Corporate America, I've noticed little to no difference in the quality of the applicant between degree holding and non-degree holding. For my startup, I've seen the largest variance. I get a lot of young applicants that don't have drive and a lot of entitlement issues -- they tend to possess the degree. For the non degree holding, I find a lot of willingness to learn and a YES attitude. Maybe it has to do with the fact that the non degree types know they're fighting an uphill battle and understand the opportunities are quickly drying up for jobs not requiring a degree. Whatever the reason is, I use it to my advantage -- I'm trying to run a successful business, not an award ceremony for most college educated employees...

But I'm sure I'll quickly be faded out by someone else telling me I dont understand the significance of a degree or I'm contributing to the demise of the Z generation or something....
I'm with you, Bigey. All the things I want to do with my life, the only one that would require a degree is flying for a major, should I ever wish to do that. I'm still unsure if it is worth dedicating time to classes that I can spend working on the aviation site I've been building for years, working on stand up, making and editing music and videos, writing, ect. It's a gamble either way. Since I couldn't hack it with school, just far too distracted by my dreams that were independent of the peice of paper, I decided to quit before I put anymore money and time into it. The way I look at it is should I have epic failure in the entertainment industry and not find my niche, I'll still have regional flying(hopefully), the chance to create a comedy video groundschool, and my aviation website. If all those things fold, and I'm "stuck" with the right or left seat at a regional being my only income, well then crap. Guess I'll do it online and cross my fingers a better 121 job opens its doors for me later in life. I've seen guys much older than me manage to get the degree and move on with their careers, so I figure its a reasonable risk to take. Even if I don't get the degree and regional captain becomes the highest title I can ever hope to attain in the 121 world, if I can make a liveable wage doing what I love, I won't consider myself a failure.

Again, if your end game is a job that requires a degree, don't derp, get the degree. If you aren't sure you really need one, but there is a realistic chance you may, get it. Better safe than sorry. But if you're set on carving your own path in this life, and you won't need it for of luck, use your time wisely, do your thing, make @Bigey and I proud. But have a back up plan.
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