Vocals, Lyrics, Triangle, Washboard, Kittens've pulled back on your car's wheel when you are about to hit an unseen pot hole.
That one made me laugh hard. I'm not even a CFI and I've done that.'ve pulled back on your car's wheel when you are about to hit an unseen pot hole.
That one drives be crazy. I've done over 100 approaches in the last six months with students, but I still need to find a safety pilot to get mine in before the end of February.oh man I do that all the time, that or if asked for my account number, or phone number I give them my certificate number.
.....I have signed off 9 first time pass instrument students in the last 6 months.....but am I current???????
That one drives be crazy. I've done over 100 approaches in the last six months with students, but I still need to find a safety pilot to get mine in before the end of February.
Twelve hours on the job only equals up to eight hours of income.
I might have to try that with my instrument students. Although I might be able to talk my new boss into letting me use the plane for free to stay current.
And legally you can
I knew I was a full-fledged CFII when I'd start salivating at signing on a new instrument student because I knew I was going to be eating lunch at Zunigas at KWVI after the NDB approach.
For CFIs in the NE and upper midwest:
You got to log the massive amount of 5 hours in December.
(For the guys in the Northeast/Midwest)....You know your a CFI when you spend more time Pre-Heating and scraping ice and snow, than actual flying. forget what it's like in the left seat.