Well, I bombed my only legacy interview so far, so maybe do the exactly opposite of what I say but...
My answer (when I get my next shot...) will be because I will be well liked by my coworkers, I'm easy going, dependable, and loyal. When I upgrade, I'll set a positive example, I'll treat my FO's with kindness and mentor-ship, and a healthy heaping of patience and guidance. I'll always protect the brand and maintain a professional image and make sure professionalism is upheld to the highest degree. Because I bring something unique to the table through my background and non-aviation jobs, between teaching coworkers the real secrets of always providing excellent customer service, managing a highly successful sales department, and copious amounts of volunteer ALPA work to leave my current carrier better and safer than how I found it. I'll do the same thing at the next shop: Hire me because I'll be the guy that ASAPs a safety problem when 99 others will just do what they've always done because that's how they've always done it. I'll do the right thing, even when it's the difficult thing. I won't always do everything perfectly, and when I don't, I'll own my mistakes, and learn from them and help others to do the same. I'll protect the profession to the best of my ability and look to inspire, guide, and lead the next generation of aviators.
As for the hours, don't sell yourself short. More or less hours of airplaning (depending on what that even entails) correlates very weakly to any sort of ability to get through training, fly the airplane well, and not be a total jerk to your coworkers. To me, "I have all of the hours" would not be a strong selling point.