Why JetCareers is amazing.

I never thought the area was that bad.

But if you're stumbling out of Spondivits at 0215, drunk AF, looking like someone who sees a "Chilis" and thinks it's too exotic, maaaaaaaaybe? :)
We had someone in my class held up at a gas station across the bridge over there. I personally don't like crossing the bridge after dark.

Honestly the training side hasn't been bad.
For someone with no connection to Suthern I've spent an awful lot of time in and around College Park. It's about as dangerous as my neighborhood, afaict. Which is to say "not very" if you're not an idiot. Yeah, you may get asked for a dollar, or mildly hassled. And I can certainly conceive of the odd armed robbery here and there, but the cops seem to be obviously present so I'd be surprised if that was common. Could've changed, though, haven't been there for a few years.
For someone with no connection to Suthern I've spent an awful lot of time in and around College Park. It's about as dangerous as my neighborhood, afaict. Which is to say "not very" if you're not an idiot. Yeah, you may get asked for a dollar, or mildly hassled. And I can certainly conceive of the odd armed robbery here and there, but the cops seem to be obviously present so I'd be surprised if that was common. Could've changed, though, haven't been there for a few years.
A simple “sorry” and the pestering seems to go away. Same people talk about all the dangerous overnights we had at the last shop because they acted like idiot tourists and flaunted money.
I never thought the area was that bad.

But if you're stumbling out of Spondivits at 0215, drunk AF, looking like someone who sees a "Chilis" and thinks it's too exotic, maaaaaaaaybe? :)

Your ATL guys complain, but SEA is easily as disconcerting for a group of us city boys in city slicker outfits. I remember walking out of our "ALPA day" as a NH not super long ago, and my class and I were angrily accosted by some Brussel sprout who seemingly owned a grass island in the 13 Coins/Radisson interchange across from the terminal. He called us crackers. He said he would kill us. We ignored him and walked to Sharps roasters and drank away our collective PTSD.
Pacific Hwy near the airport has really gotten bad. I used to enjoy walking to the car park or to Dave's diner. It's sad what has become of the area.
I think I said this before. But I interviewed at Delta a few years ago. I wanted to enjoy a nice waffle from waffle house nearby before day 2. After that dinner show, I felt like I could answer any WWYD scenario.