Who's hiring right now?

Evening I just have a quick question does anyone know of any regionals airlines that will be potentially hiring in the very near future besides Envoy?
Sky West should be hiring soon, not sure when it will go out. There will be a January class per the manager.
I wonder how many people will be in the class, a buddy of mine got an offer for the jan class during the last round they did in the summer because the fall one was full.
I second that a friend of mine got an offer as well for the Jan class.
I wish Republic was hiring
republic was.... weird
I feel like they were only hiring internal/local this year, even with a direct line to the dispatch recruiter I couldn't even get my resume glanced at.
I wonder how many people will be in the class, a buddy of mine got an offer for the jan class during the last round they did in the summer because the fall one was full.
Whatever attrition they're expecting from Alaska and United taking from them + few more. Traditionally it used to be ~7-10 before the whole hiring craze, that bumped it up to around 12-15. With the majors slowing down on hiring, I'd expect it to be ~10 again.
Whatever attrition they're expecting from Alaska and United taking from them + few more. Traditionally it used to be ~7-10 before the whole hiring craze, that bumped it up to around 12-15. With the majors slowing down on hiring, I'd expect it to be ~10 again.
Alaska would take 2 at most from OO. I reached out to a friend that’s still there about UA and at last check it didn’t sound like anyone from OO had heard anything back yet… which I’ll admit was news to me.

Of course there is always those that like to move in silence. Not the worst course of action with how small of a world it is here.
Alaska would take 2 at most from OO. I reached out to a friend that’s still there about UA and at last check it didn’t sound like anyone from OO had heard anything back yet… which I’ll admit was news to me.

Of course there is always those that like to move in silence. Not the worst course of action with how small of a world it is here.
Don't tell any of the petty people your plans...and there's loads of petty people here...
Don't tell any of the petty people your plans...and there's loads of petty people here...
That’s not specific to one shop though. Everywhere has its disgruntled employees.

I personally didn’t tell anyone when I applied to where I’m at now, the only ones that knew were ones that hit up a coworker of mine for the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down” when I was going though the hiring process. Unfortunately everyone knows everyone so you really can’t keep it 100% on the DL no matter how hard you try. Which is why you never want to make enemies wherever you are.
That’s not specific to one shop though. Everywhere has its disgruntled employees.

I personally didn’t tell anyone when I applied to where I’m at now, the only ones that knew were ones that hit up a coworker of mine for the “thumbs up” or “thumbs down”

I don't want to work in that shop. Ever. I don't care if it's United, Delta, FedEx, Frontier, Alaska, Allegiant, or Southwest.

That same nonsense is what kept country clubs, executive offices and neighborhoods to a "certain kind of person" for too many years.

I periodically go on a rant about this...but none of that is ok...

I'm not tiptoeing around the people I work with because they think of themselves as gatekeepers or sit and talk about how if the civil war was fought today they'd be on the Southern side of it....and I'm of an age where I'm not going to be in this end of the business for much longer than it takes to get my retirement flight benefits anyway.

But...that nonsense is probably the one real reason I'm not enamored of most dispatchers I meet...the petty nonsense drives me bananas.
I don't want to work in that shop. Ever. I don't care if it's United, Delta, FedEx, Frontier, Alaska, Allegiant, or Southwest.

That same nonsense is what kept country clubs, executive offices and neighborhoods to a "certain kind of person" for too many years.

I periodically go on a rant about this...but none of that is ok...

I'm not tiptoeing around the people I work with because they think of themselves as gatekeepers or sit and talk about how if the civil war was fought today they'd be on the Southern side of it....and I'm of an age where I'm not going to be in this end of the business for much longer than it takes to get my retirement flight benefits anyway.

But...that nonsense is probably the one real reason I'm not enamored of most dispatchers I meet...the petty nonsense drives me bananas.

At the end of the day it’s all politics, you gotta know when to pick your battles. It’s not if but when your name comes up when your application gets pulled and whoever they ask about you is already going to have an opinion. Work this gig long enough and you’ll see it happen time and time again. I’ve had people ask about me and I’ve had my managers ask me about potential candidates as well.

The two biggest hurdles to elevating your career in this game is 1.) getting your foot in the door, 2.) doing well enough on your interview. But if you make a bad name for yourself, (and we all know enough of those kinds of people), you’re doing yourself a disservice from the jump, and it’s unlikely you’ll even get past step 1.
At the end of the day it’s all politics, you gotta know when to pick your battles. It’s not if but when your name comes up when your application gets pulled and whoever they ask about you is already going to have an opinion. Work this gig long enough and you’ll see it happen time and time again. I’ve had people ask about me and I’ve had my managers ask me about potential candidates as well.

The two biggest hurdles to elevating your career in this game is 1.) getting your foot in the door, 2.) doing well enough on your interview. But if you make a bad name for yourself, (and we all know enough of those kinds of people), you’re doing yourself a disservice from the jump, and it’s unlikely you’ll even get past step 1.

I always tell people this. Be kind to people. It matters because you're only at most 2 degrees of separation from someone. As a rule I dislike the whole "I'm going to keep X person out of this airline" attitude that a few losers have. I have no issue vouching for someone I know is a good worker and pleasant to be around. That said, I also have no problem being honest if I'm asked about someone.