Who's hiring right now?

Horizon Air just opened up. For what it's worth, had couple buddies who worked there and they've only said good things about them. Good way to eventually get into Alaska Airlines as well if that's your end goal.
Horizon Air just opened up. For what it's worth, had couple buddies who worked there and they've only said good things about them. Good way to eventually get into Alaska Airlines as well if that's your end goal.
It's not. they hardly hire from meatball
I flew on Avelo back in 2021 from FNL to BUR. It was a short lived route but that was my first experience flying out of such a small terminal. I don't personally know anyone that works there but the impression I had from my flight was better than similar ULCC's. Seats were definitely more comfy.

If the spreadsheet is up to date for them, $29/hour is modest when compared to regionals, but still lower than their direct competitors. But after reading the post it's sounding like (much like anywhere else hiring at the moment) the competitive nature of the current hiring landscape will demand those with more experience.

H-town isn't an overly expensive area by any means. For me though, the heat and humidity in Houston is the worst I've ever experienced, and that's coming from someone who grew up on the Gulf Coast. Best of luck to those that apply!
It's not. they hardly hire from meatball
I'm pretty sure the last few classes they did had at least one or two horizon hires. It's not that AS doesn't hardy hire from them, they just hardly hire people at all. I don't recall Horizon having a whole lot of dispatchers there to begin with anyways.

Recently the period of time that the DOJ had to intervene on their merger with Hawaiian ended without contest. I'd imagine not every dispatcher at Hawaiian will move from there to SEA (unless they do a split operation like Spirit?) so it could be possible that they hire a little more after that completes. That's probably a least a few years out though.
I don’t recall anybody with 0 experience getting hired unless they were internal over the last few years. Externals at the very least had 135 experience.
A friend started back in the Fall of 22’. It was UAs very first class after the Covid slow down and the first of the hiring frenzy. They stated while they were doing their hellos and introductions one person told the class they were fresh out of dispatch school and had just obtained their license. Another said their father worked for UA and helped put in a very good word for them (and a couple friends in the class as well). Nepotism isn’t rare at majors though, it thrives in fact. Apparently the instructor advised the person not to brag about that. The friend and I were shocked since at the time so many people with experience were applying. Especially it being one of the first hiring classes after Covid with any company, and yet many experienced dx were turned down. Not sure if those new hires were internal they never specified, and we now know majors hire internals with no dispatch experience as well. Only said they were floored those folks had zero dispatch experience during a time when it was super competitive. Heard similar from a couple other UA dxers I’ve known that started over the last couple years. But again, not sure if they were internal.

Either way shoot your shot and see what happens. If they say no you can try again in 6 months.
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Not sure about class size. Safe to assume 4-5 at absolute most. Not a big dispatch group.

I flew on Avelo back in 2021 from FNL to BUR. It was a short lived route but that was my first experience flying out of such a small terminal. I don't personally know anyone that works there but the impression I had from my flight was better than similar ULCC's. Seats were definitely more comfy.

If the spreadsheet is up to date for them, $29/hour is modest when compared to regionals, but still lower than their direct competitors. But after reading the post it's sounding like (much like anywhere else hiring at the moment) the competitive nature of the current hiring landscape will demand those with more experience.

H-town isn't an overly expensive area by any means. For me though, the heat and humidity in Houston is the worst I've ever experienced, and that's coming from someone who grew up on the Gulf Coast. Best of luck to those that apply!
There's a quote from Andrew Levy (founder/CEO) where he says something along the lines of wanting Avelo to be viewed better than Spirit or Ryanair. There's a big focus on operational reliability as part of that, both completion factor and A14, so dispatch does get a decent amount of attention. Sticking to facts and leaving out opinion, the payscale is very livable in Houston, and there hasn't been much turnover of late.
As a former QX dispatcher, can confirm Alaska is only allowed to take 30% of each class from Horizon, so externals typically have a better shot. That being said, Horizon itself was a great place to work
QX Alum 2000-2004 here. It was the best job I've ever had (where I work now is pretty damn good though).
Horizon Air just opened up. For what it's worth, had couple buddies who worked there and they've only said good things about them. Good way to eventually get into Alaska Airlines as well if that's your end goal.
Has anyone heard back from them yet? I put mine in a week ago and haven’t heard anything yet, still just “application received”
Has anyone heard back from them yet? I put mine in a week ago and haven’t heard anything yet, still just “application received”
Back when I applied couple years ago, they didn't start reviewing until the application closed. No idea if it's still the same, but I assume you'll hear back by early next week if you land an interview. Good luck! I've only heard good things about that place as a regional, and even if you don't end up in ASA, I've seen a lot of their dispatchers go to other majors as well. Seattle is pricey, but PNW is awesome.
If I graduate and earn my ADX license in December, would it hurt my future application odds at United to apply just for the heck of it straight out of ADX school?

United is where I’d like to eventually end up in a perfect world and I have a year of aviation experience in flight op support for an aviation performance solution provider which United knows and uses so I’m not void of any aviation experience.

I Know I most likely won’t get in and would still apply to regionals obviously. Just wanna do it as long as it would not hurt future applications with regional experience under my belt.
You do not possess the required experience for an external candidate so you would automatically be eliminated.
You do not possess the required experience for an external candidate so you would automatically be eliminated.
Right now yes. According to their stated minimums though with a dispatch license I would possess the minimum required experience. If the minimums they had on the job posting were only intended for internal candidates that would be very misleading but not surprising since most places do include a lot more in their minimum qualifications.

In any case, I wouldn’t meet any of the preferred qualifications though so I would definitely have been screened out extremely early and without an interview. But I wasn’t interested in my chances when I made that post. I only wanted to know if applying once and being screened out would hurt my future chances. In other industries I have worked in that was the case. Ive learned quite a bit since the quoted post and now understand that is not necessarily the case in dispatch, at least not all the time.
Right now yes. According to their stated minimums though with a dispatch license I would possess the minimum required experience. If the minimums they had on the job posting were only intended for internal candidates that would be very misleading but not surprising since most places do include a lot more in their minimum qualifications.

In any case, I wouldn’t meet any of the preferred qualifications though so I would definitely have been screened out extremely early and without an interview. But I wasn’t interested in my chances when I made that post. I only wanted to know if applying once and being screened out would hurt my future chances. In other industries I have worked in that was the case. Ive learned quite a bit since the quoted post and now understand that is not necessarily the case in dispatch, at least not all the time.
Generally the only way your hiring chances and application would be impacted are if you make it to the in-person interview and ultimately do not get selected. I believe all the majors have some sort of waiting period to reapply that your application would then be flagged and auto rejected for a minimum of 6 months if you reapply. Im not sure if this is the case for knowledge test or other screening failures. Rejecting offers (which is not uncommon) I believe also puts you on the list.
Generally the only way your hiring chances and application would be impacted are if you make it to the in-person interview and ultimately do not get selected. I believe all the majors have some sort of waiting period to reapply that your application would then be flagged and auto rejected for a minimum of 6 months if you reapply. Im not sure if this is the case for knowledge test or other screening failures. Rejecting offers (which is not uncommon) I believe also puts you on the list.

Yeah. To add to that:
I dunno if they still do it but I heard Delta has a “three strikes and youre out” policy when it comes to getting the in person interview. Basically if you interview in person for dispatch three separate times and get rejected they’ll automatically reject you from that point forward. Dunno if the other majors have a similar policy.

No from Horizon :(

Dont worry youll get your big break. Its inevitable.