Where do FedEx feeder pilots sit MEM sort?

(Sorry for the double screen names! Avalanche is my handle in other forums--not sure how it ended up here.)

Thanks for those of you who gave thoughtful responses! For everyone else, thanks for the entertainment :cool:. I pulled into Grand Forks today, and I saw all the Cessna Caravans on the ramp with heaters blasting into the engines and cabins. I'm glad those guys are compensated commensurately, because the Weather Channel describee the weather here today as "bitter cold".

Just so we're on the same page; what are the names of all the different feeders I.e. FedEx/UPS that might not be listed on APC? I'd like to look more into them because it seems like a pretty good gig from what everybody has neen saying.
Just so we're on the same page; what are the names of all the different feeders I.e. FedEx/UPS that might not be listed on APC? I'd like to look more into them because it seems like a pretty good gig from what everybody has neen saying.

Fedex Feeder in the USA :
Empire Airlines ( ATR & C208 )
Mountain Air Cargo ( ATR & C208 )
Wiggins airways C208
CSA C208 ( Own by AirT, who owns also Mountain Air Cargo )
Baron Aviation C208
Westair C208
Corporate Airlines C208 ( I believe they also fly their own A/C for FDX in Hawaii )
All the above companies fly A/C own by FDX ( the one in FDX paint colors ), and therefore FDX dictate the way they are used.

IFL & an another company ( cannot remember the name ) in Miami also fly feeder route for FDX with their own airplanes. This is the same kind of deal wih UPS an their feeders ( contract can be pulled at anytime..FDX does not pay for A/C maintenance & pilot training in their case..).

In Theory the Feeder Contract could be cancel every month, but FDX has been very loyal to their feeders and is more concern about completion factor that to get the lowest cost possible. Most of the feeder have been doing business + 25 years with FDX, the pay is far from fantastic ( specially ATR FO ) but it is probably one of the most stable aviation job in the US.

Hope this help, Skysign.
FWIW, all of the prop planes that are FedEx owned are "feeder" and other planes that are contracted (AMF, IFL, etc...) are "supplemental".