When 1500 Hours Equals 10

He hasn’t figured out anything. The flight training business has been exactly the same, more or less, for the past 80 years.

Reminds me of American Flyers (who were at DuPage). Those were the days...

Reminds me of American Flyers (who were at DuPage). Those were the days...
This is a head scratcher. Is there some kind of projected surge in the cargo industry that’s going to necessitate this?
It isn’t like puppy mills came along after the 1500 hour rule either, they’ve been a thing for decades. Much prior to the 2000’s you just couldn’t reliably get interviews much below something like 1500tt/300 multi, and the real number was often higher. Now if the point is that the schools & CFI’s are milking students for hours by not soloing them when they’re ready, well there could be a lot of reasons for that, some more charitable than others. Might also be that this 737 CA is seeing the sort of pilots that used to be only hired at the regionals, he’s just used to more airline experience than he’s getting, or maybe he’s just so salty cows wanna lick him. In any event, if you’re a 121 captain, it’s expected that you’ll be doing some instruction, regardless of what you’re flying and for who, all part of the job.

121 Captains at the majors are expected to mentor, show techniques, and polish the future captain in the right seat. The should not be expected to play LCA / give dual on aviation 101 items. This is what I feel is happening as we get more 1500ish hour wonders that have barely wandered outside of the traffic pattern or local area and have never seen hard IFR.

The question is how do you mandate experience? Sure hours is just one narrow measure. We we all know a 700 hour F18 pilot is way different in ability than a 1500 CFI. The military route is still there for a select few that choose and can get in. The traditional routes a lot of took, that gave us great experience, can be skipped when airlines need pilots now. The majors used to be 4000+ hours, 1000 TPIC, aircraft over 28000 lbs experience was what was competitive. Not so much any more

The zero to hero programs at some airlines still have pilots in the pipelines that they are obligated to hire at program minimums once they complete the program.
121 Captains at the majors are expected to mentor, show techniques, and polish the future captain in the right seat. The should not be expected to play LCA / give dual on aviation 101 items. This is what I feel is happening as we get more 1500ish hour wonders that have barely wandered outside of the traffic pattern or local area and have never seen hard IFR.

The question is how do you mandate experience? Sure hours is just one narrow measure. We we all know a 700 hour F18 pilot is way different in ability than a 1500 CFI. The military route is still there for a select few that choose and can get in. The traditional routes a lot of took, that gave us great experience, can be skipped when airlines need pilots now. The majors used to be 4000+ hours, 1000 TPIC, aircraft over 28000 lbs experience was what was competitive. Not so much any more

The zero to hero programs at some airlines still have pilots in the pipelines that they are obligated to hire at program minimums once they complete the program.

You were around for 250 CRJ FOs, right?
You were around for 250 CRJ FOs, right?

121 Captains at the majors are expected to mentor, show techniques, and polish the future captain in the right seat. The should not be expected to play LCA / give dual on aviation 101 items. This is what I feel is happening as we get more 1500ish hour wonders that have barely wandered outside of the traffic pattern or local area and have never seen hard IFR.

The question is how do you mandate experience? Sure hours is just one narrow measure. We we all know a 700 hour F18 pilot is way different in ability than a 1500 CFI. The military route is still there for a select few that choose and can get in. The traditional routes a lot of took, that gave us great experience, can be skipped when airlines need pilots now. The majors used to be 4000+ hours, 1000 TPIC, aircraft over 28000 lbs experience was what was competitive. Not so much any more

The zero to hero programs at some airlines still have pilots in the pipelines that they are obligated to hire at program minimums once they complete the program.

Funny you say that. Been hearing from friends at my last regional that the flow program has been cleaning house and notifying a number of pilots that they will not be moving on to the mainline carrier.

From what I have been told the common denominator was multiple check ride failures, and the competitive minimums are now taking a much harder look at turbine PIC.

So maybe the pendulum is swinging the other way now?
Funny you say that. Been hearing from friends at my last regional that the flow program has been cleaning house and notifying a number of pilots that they will not be moving on to the mainline carrier.

From what I have been told the common denominator was multiple check ride failures, and the competitive minimums are now taking a much harder look at turbine PIC.

So maybe the pendulum is swinging the other way now?
So, quality time is making a comeback.