When 1500 Hours Equals 10

This is probably one of the most missed parts about being in the cargo world. There’s something about seeing that spark in a kids eye when they visit the flight deck. It seemed that most could care less about visiting up front in recent years though.

Who and when do I ask if i…er…my daughter can see the flight deck? I always feel like never is a good time to ask.
Who and when do I ask if i…er…my daughter can see the flight deck? I always feel like never is a good time to ask.
Ask a flight attendant when your boarding or on the way out, don't be shy, on DAL say you want a trading card. Or hangout to the end as deplaning finishes up, usually we have time then, but we might also have already split. A few just wander up and say hello as part of a pre-flight trip to the forward Lav. Just don't interrupt a briefing or checklist.
That’s what I’m always afraid of doing or holding y’all up when you’re trying to leave after the flight
Honestly, most wouldn’t mind at all, we mostly enjoy it. As far as interruptions, if it sounds like we’re talking business, just wait a moment, it won’t be long, then we’ll say hello and welcome. Or just knock, if we’re busy, we’ll say so, no problem.
Asking the FAs is usually a good idea though, the majority of them have a good grasp on when not to interrupt and will wait until a checklist is done and ask if we can have a visitor. Most captains will probably let her sit in the seat too. I honestly domt mind when adults come up too, it’s cool to see people still excited in airplanes instead of sitting down and shutting the window shade the entire flight.
Asking the FAs is usually a good idea though, the majority of them have a good grasp on when not to interrupt and will wait until a checklist is done and ask if we can have a visitor. Most captains will probably let her sit in the seat too. I honestly domt mind when adults come up too, it’s cool to see people still excited in airplanes instead of sitting down and shutting the window shade the entire flight.

My daughter is very excited about planes. Can I leave her up there with y’all so I can catch some sleep in the back?
Who and when do I ask if i…er…my daughter can see the flight deck? I always feel like never is a good time to ask.
Seems like most folks liked people coming up after the flight but personally I didn’t care if it was before or after. I can’t remember a time that we were so busy that there wasn’t time for a kid to stop by. If they’re uncomfortable flying or it’s their first time I always like when they stopped by before the flight. Helps ease the nerves and put a face to the voice behind the PA.
same here, much to my own personal chagrin theyre always interrupted by flight attendants and gate agents in the middle of a takeoff brief or checklist anymore so at least its an interruption for something we enjoy
That’s what I’m always afraid of doing or holding y’all up when you’re trying to leave after the flight

It takes all but 10 mins to set up for a flight in all honesty, saying hello and showing your daughter the flight deck as you board is probably easier than deplaning. Most of the time the crew is gone by the time premium is stepping off lol

It makes my day when a youngin sits in the Captains seat and looks around. I’m batting about .300 getting them to take the hand held and say welcome aboard. When they do, you hear the heart filled laughs from the back. Makes the job so much more fun
Get rid of the written!!! Time to overhaul the way we test pilots for flight ratings!!!

Oh wait it’s the government so nevermind
Gotta love the Government. We only just got to computer testing this side of the pond...
"In a nutshell, the 1500-hour rule has resulted in a generation of ATPs who have only the vaguest idea how to fly any airplane, much less a 100,000-pound jet."

Old man shouts at cloud, or legitimate beef? Discuss.

It looks like this guy just realized how the flight training industry has worked for over two decades at this point.