

Well-Known Member
Is it possible to be ATC if you're in a wheelchair? I was in class today and for some reason it just crossed my mind. Granted, I have absolutely no knowledge of any requirements for ATC.
I think so... I think all federal buildings are handicapped accessible. I have never worked with a controller that was hired in a wheelchair, but have worked with a few that due to injuries (broke leg skiing) and they worked for several months from a wheel chair, then later crutches. I work in a center where all positions, minus posting strips (data) you're seated, the controller in the wheelchair was not required to work the strip posting position. I'm not sure if that could work in a tower.
the few control towers that I have visited a person in a wheelchair wouldn't be able to see over the counters in the tower. I would image if you had one of those fancy chairs that stand one up it would be possible to work in a tower.

I saw special a few years ago about a surgeon who was confined to a wheelchair. He had a chair that would raise him into a standing position so he could operate.
You can absolutely work ATC in a wheelchair. There are two guys up at Washington Center in wheelchairs. Got hired that way, not from an injury.

All towers have to be whhelchair accessible, unless they are less than 4 stories high, in which case it's stairs all the way. However, every radar facility I've ever been to, you'd be good to go.