What to do when controllers don't respond?

equipment anomalies (especially squelch adjustment!)

I was flying through PHL airspace once and the frequency I was assigned to was pretty weak. It wasn't long before I could hear only the transmissions from aircraft on the frequency. I adjusted the squelch and even though the static sucked to listen to I was able to hear the controller. We do the same thing when trying to tune in an ASOS/ATIS when we're still a ways out.
Class B flying isn't that bad. If you know the rules and procedures it's a piece of cake. You may as well go ahead and get used to it now. You'll be more than likely flying into throughout your career. :)

Yeah I agree--but when I get a little more time--just a personal minimum until I get to the magical 200 hours!

I was runnin N/E to the S/W through Indianapolis airspace one night and it was really busy. I had come from Allentown and was just using flight following as it was a pretty night. I had been having a hard time understand the controllers cause I was from Oklahoma and I guess I could not understand that fast yank talk.

Anywho, I got handed off to a guy that was 'chanting' his instruction a lot like 'Georgian Chanting in the RC churches. He was fast, clear, understandable, and all in the air were not having one lick of problem .... "Squak Ident" was all we had to do.

When I got handed off to the next guy and things were slower I told them about the guy and to send my regard as it was the best job I had ever heard form an insanely busy controller. They knew imediatly who I was talking about. Would have been in the mid 1980's or there about.
Maybe ATC was giving him flight following, but he didn't know it because he couldn't hear the responses to his earlier transmissions.

It doesn't read to me like ATC was ignoring him. It sounds like ATC was responding but the pilot couldn't hear. Different scenario.

No he was definitely ignoring me.
That is my guess, but a simple "Unable" would have saved a lot of trouble. I'm not one of those people who needs flight following.