We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attendants!

Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Folks it's a networking event. It's not a show up and get a job the next day event. Go there, hand out your resume, shake hands and develop rapport with the recruiters. This way 9 months from now when they start hiring, you've already developed a relationship with the hiring crew instead of asking Doug when the next ACE is because you're "zOMG 100% there this year." Stay ahead of the curve.


Some people will complain about anything!!
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Not sure what is so confusing about them possibly being proactive vs waiting till they absolutely need manpower now or 6 months from now?

Maybe it's because everybody is so use to the regional airline method. :D

Regardless, congrats Kristie and Doug. It looks like all your hard work is paying off!
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Folks it's a networking event. It's not a show up and get a job the next day event. Go there, hand out your resume, shake hands and develop rapport with the recruiters. This way 9 months from now when they start hiring, you've already developed a relationship with the hiring crew instead of asking Doug when the next ACE is because you're "zOMG 100% there this year." Stay ahead of the curve.



The name of the game in the business world is forecasting.

Do you know why pilots make rotten investors? The inability to see around the bend.

They're paying to meet you guys for a reason, not because I'm a hell of a guy with great sales skills, which I am neither.

At the event, if you choose to come, ask them about their projections and plans for furlough recalls, hiring and expansion.

That's why they're there.

That's why we're throwing the event.

Ask yourself, "Why did corporate approve HR the funds in order to send four representatives including pilot and flight attendant recruiters to an event in Las Vegas which they've never heard of before?"

Think this through a little, please.
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Hell, this is awesome! It's is just another sign the industry is turning the corner. Good on US Airways for being proactive and realizing upcoming hiring needs.

I've said it before, and I'll say it now. Thanks Doug and Kristie for all your hard work. :beer:
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Which seniority list do you go on once hired? ;)
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Not sure what is so confusing about them possibly being proactive vs waiting till they absolutely need manpower now or 6 months from now?

Wait, are you suggesting that an airline is being proactive about something? About anything?

And here I thought you were married to an ehr-lahn pah-lut :laff:

Seriously tho, thanks for the hard work. Glad to see them there, regardless of when they are planning on hiring. They could've laughed Dough's ear clean off.
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Understood, but I think what they are looking for is for second to third quarter 2011, not now--just to be realistic. And that's on the FA side.
and that's fine. Other industries hold career events and sometimes companies won't be hiring but want to have presence or maybe they just want to garner interest, collect resumes ahead of time...be proactive for that down the road occasion. there's nothing wrong with that and there's no reason we should have to tell a company "you have furloughs waiting for recall, you can't join us" or "you're not hiring right now so you're not allowed". that doesn't make sense. any company is welcome whether they are hiring or not because at some point, they will be hiring.
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

If a guy could get in on the first Airways class, and assuming Airways sticks around for the long haul, said guy would be set for life.

Maybe...but US Air has shown that they would like to continue downsizing their operation. They can't compete in the current market. Jetblue/SWA are adding additional flights in/out of their hubs and markets like BOS, LGA and DCA, and JB is adding internet on their a/c as well as having TV.

US Air is slowly dying. I can't see hitching your wagon to them.

This is coming from someone who has a friend who's dad has been a CA there for something like 25 or 27 of the last 30 years he's been there...currently on the 75/76. He was senior enough to hold the 330 CA slot. I really don't think they would be the smart move. Just IMO.
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

I don't think anyone is really complaining about US Airways being there, or saying that they shouldn't be at ACE. It just seems more like curiosity as to *why* the company is going to be there.

Now it's been settled and we can move on to happy thoughts...like it's only a month away!
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

So don't drop by the booth. Sheesh.

I'm not a big fan of red onions, but I'm not about to diss the chef's efforts for having a bowl of them on the buffet line.

If there are more worthy carriers, make the telephone calls and let me know where to send the invoice. This is much more difficult than you folks realize.
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Hopefully you weren't referring to me...I was just entering discussion with another poster. What is good news is they are even planning on being there. That is awesome news for the entire industry (if US Air is looking at hiring, pretty much everyone else must be in the same situation).
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

and that's fine. Other industries hold career events and sometimes companies won't be hiring but want to have presence or maybe they just want to garner interest, collect resumes ahead of time...be proactive for that down the road occasion. there's nothing wrong with that and there's no reason we should have to tell a company "you have furloughs waiting for recall, you can't join us" or "you're not hiring right now so you're not allowed". that doesn't make sense. any company is welcome whether they are hiring or not because at some point, they will be hiring.

I was the one that started this comment theme, and just for clarification, I didn't mention anything about them not being there. I just had some reservations about the phraseology ("need pilots and FAs who can start RIGHT NOW!!!). And I have no doubts those are the exact words that they used when they talked to you. It just seems that looking at the current picture of things there, to be a slight stretch (the "RIGHT NOW!!!"part.)

Don't take it as a slight against what you guys are doing as far as ACE goes in general. I think it's amazing what you've accomplished so far, and in a "down" year in the industry no less.
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Congrats on snagging USAirways.

It seems like the momentum is really starting to pick up this month, hopefully leading to a great turnout for the job fair.

I'm sure this is a great sign. Companies are SPENDING MONEY to come recruit pilots.

Jobs, bring them....:beer:
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Does US have any published mins still? I'm sure they could change IF they started to hire, but just curious.

And like someone else said above, would a new hire be considered a east or west guy?:D
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

I'll clarify when I call today or tomorrow on what specifically they're looking for.
Re: We have USAirways!!! Confirmed! Pilots & Flight Attenda

Buddy of mine was recalled for Oct 25th. He's on the East