Want ice with your drink?


Well-Known Member
Picked some up this morning coming into CPS... lots of fun.


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ANd after all you probably went through flying down to the runway taxiing was probably harder than the approach, I give you a 5/5
Has anyone ever tried to eat the ice that they've accumulated?? I drank rain water for the first time the other day (besides opening my mouth in the rain, I actually was able to scoop up a few handfuls from a puddle that had formed on of my *clean* tarps).
Good one - I've been thinkin' of you guys flying in MKC and points east in the last few days. TKS sure is nice...
im not sure about you guys but usually I prefer bottled water... maybe im just weird.

I went out flying yesterday here in north tx and I had to take an old gift card I didnt want anymore outta my walet to get the ice off my plane. it was... interesting.
im not sure about you guys but usually I prefer bottled water... maybe im just weird.

I went out flying yesterday here in north tx and I had to take an old gift card I didnt want anymore outta my walet to get the ice off my plane. it was... interesting.

I used a hotel room key today on the Saab.