

MCAS Meat Inhibition Logic
Learning more about the airline hiring process, and it seems this is a very important topic to demonstrate a well-rounded candidate. What do you do for others, aviation related or otherwise? If you can post up information about what you do, maybe we can get some other people that are looking involved in your cause.
I agree with @Finny. The airlines do not care the type of volunteer work. What they do want to see is you giving back to the community. Pick something you truly enjoy doing.

Somebody has helped you at one point during your life, it is now your turn to help someone out.
@Finny @Aero Crew Solutions
Well I'm trying to broaden my scope and find something new, wanted to see what y'all do. Since I started flying I fell out of my volunteer commitments; in the past I was in Civil Air Patrol for 6 years doing ground search and rescue, and 10 years in the BSA. Now that I'm traveling 10 months a year, I haven't been able to put any time into either and memberships have lapsed
Learning more about the airline hiring process, and it seems this is a very important topic to demonstrate a well-rounded candidate. What do you do for others, aviation related or otherwise? If you can post up information about what you do, maybe we can get some other people that are looking involved in your cause.
Local politics! I'm having fun on the planning commission and I even get a $100 a month stipend that doesn't interfere with the "volunteer" status.
Find something you're passionate about, then find a volunteer organization to go along with it. Best way to give back to any community if you ask me!

I love animals more than people, so my wife and I volunteer at our local humane society. I'm in charge of running an adoption event once a month where we take adoptable animals out into the community so that people can meet them.

Best of you can find some sort of leadership role too, especially if you're stuck in the right seat at your current place.

But absolutely do something you're passionate about. 1) It's a lot easier to do. 2) Someone is going to ask you about it. You're going to have to show knowledge and passion on the subject. If you're just doing it for the resume, they're gonna notice.
I used to volunteer at the public library in their HR department. Did that for 6 years. Used to volunteer to do flights (short .5 hour discovery flights) for the Wounded Warriors Project. Used to volunteer for the High Hopes for Teens program. Not active in that anymore as I'm a regional pilot that works 95+ hours/month with 13 days off. I enjoy that time with my wife (happily married) and kids ( love them and wouldn't trade them for the world). Apparently it's frowned upon that I spend my time with my family. I've volunteered for our annual Fantasy Flight, but have yet to be selected.

Sorry, but family comes first in my mind. It's a "broke" system right now. You want me to show I care about things other than aviation, great! I do! Unfortunately the things I do outside cost money, thus I can't volunteer. For instance, hockey. I love hockey. Been skating forever. But I can't volunteer to coach because I can honestly give them one night a week of helping out. To me, that's not much and doesn't accomplish anything. I haven't talked with people in the know, but if @Derg, @Seggy, @Aero Crew Solutions says 4 hours a month volunteering is GREAT, then I'll try. It just seems like 4 hrs/month is only trying to "check a box" then stop. If I'm going to do something, I want to go balls deep.
Right now I try to "volunteer" for Funeral Duty for the MNARNG Funeral Honors Team whenever I'm home. I'm one of the only soldiers in the state that can play Taps live, and the only soldier that is dual qualified to play and perform all other functions of a military funeral. I love being able to give back to veteran's families, and enjoy being able to see the impact my service makes. I do get paid for them, so it's only kinda volunteer work since it's not under the normal duties as a MDAY Army National Guard soldier.
Can go be a reserve PD/Sheriff/State police officer.....
This is great until the very first time you get a subpoena to testify due to a case in which you were involved/witnessed. The "real" job doesn't take kindly to this type of employment interference. :(

.........Or reserve firefighter.
THIS +1; meet all training requirements and make at least 20 runs a year (your mileage may vary....) :)
There's room on my resume for my volunteerism in triathlon, or my championships in triathlon. I listed the volunteerism. Someone on an interview panel was confused, and finally stated that he "liked the wins more than working the water table". In the end, I was able to discuss both pursuits.
Learning more about the airline hiring process, and it seems this is a very important topic to demonstrate a well-rounded candidate. What do you do for others, aviation related or otherwise? If you can post up information about what you do, maybe we can get some other people that are looking involved in your cause.
I would say no matter what, volunteer because you want to volunteer, not because it looks good to an airline.
Best volunteering I ever did was the Literacy Center. Go in, help people read and do math up to a high school level, and you'llbe able to do some of that high school math you used to know.
I did something similar in '05 at my local library. This was more of a ESL thing
volunteers from different speaking languages including me had students that needed help in the English language. It was a great experience.