Veterans Muster

Thanks to the Vets and all the sacrificed.
And if MikeD is defending our Freedom and the Iraqi people then the old regime and anyone else who gets in the way is in for a rude greeting from the Warthogs guns.
Thank you Vets! It's really amazing to see all the people here at JC who have helped defend the freedom we have. As the famous line of the military says "I may not agree with what you say, but I will fight to death for you to have the right to say it". Thanks again Veterans...
I just want to say HOOAH!!!!!!!!!! Thanks to all the vets, as well as all those currently serving!!!!!!!!!! I'm proud that this country stands up for the freedoms that our fore fathers founded and protected!!!!!!!!! They gave their lives so that we could be here reading this forum, and working, and every other daily things that we do!!!!!!!
Served in the Afgahn conflict, glad to be back working on my CFI. Still have many friends over there. And I pray every night that all of our service men and women make it home like I did. Still need to need to buy a round for the Armys Mountian Division, saved my ass one cold night doing something stupid. Thanks to everyone whom has served and keep those men and women in our thoughts. We are doing the right thing.
I spent 9 years in the Royal Air Force working in Air Traffic Control (not actually a controller though). The closest to any hot zone I got was a beach in Cyprus for 3 years

A crisp salute to all who are serving their country past or present.
Thanks Chunk for the post. I served in the U.S. Marine Corps for six years and I work in an investment firm and not one person at work said thank you to me. They all know that I served as my dress blues hang in my office. I thank everyone here for their thank you's and believe me it has been our pleasure. Some of the best experiences in life have been in the Corps.

The U.S. Marines have 228 years of faithful service to the Unites States of America, and maybe my quote will not be as eloquent as Admiral Nimitz but after the U.S. flag was raised in Baghdad by a U.S. Marine over Saddam's statue that has ensured a Marine Corps for another 200 years and a free America for even longer. It could not be done without the help of all the branches of service though. Bless you all. Semper Fidelis.