USAir 1549 Tapes Released

Well, since you guys asked. . .

(:sarcasm:) source: another aviation related web site.

Here is the transcript from the voice recorder from the Hudson River Crash

SIC: "Number two's gone, boss."

Sully: "I know it! What do I look like, an R-22 pilot? Just shut the [expletive deleted] down, boy. Oh, and tell Departure that we need to come back in and land. [expletive deleted] birds..."

SIC: "Somebody got up on the wrong side of his throne this morning. Ya don't have to insult me just because I got my commercial helicopter rating in the mighty Robinson. Oh, and by the way, sir, we're not climbing, if you even care. Maybe your decision to take on that extra 5,000 pounds of fuel wasn't so hot, Captain."

Sully: "One more comment like that and I'll make sure the union keeps you in RJ's for the rest of your miserable, short career."


Sully: "[expletive deleted]!"

SIC: "Number one's failing, boss."

Sully: "I can see that! Am I asleep? Can I not read the gauges? Am I not flying the plane here?"

SIC: "I'm just sayin'..."

Sully: "Goddamn Canadians, sending their [expletive deleted] geese down here every winter. Why, if I ever *see* another Canadian I'm gonna punch him right in the throat. I *HATE* Canadians."

SIC: "Everybody does, boss. Think we can make Teterboro or straight-in to 22 at Newark ?"

Sully: "Yeah, probably. But [expletive deleted] Teterboro! Let's go to Newark . I've flown out of Teterboro. Short damn runways...always a crosswind. And their FBO's suck. I'd rather land in the Hudson [expletive deleted]r iver than land at Teterboro. Hey...."

SIC: "You're not..."

Sully: "Why not? Maybe we can take out some sailboats with some prick Canadian snowbirds."

SIC: "You ever land on the water before?"

Sully: "Plenty of times! I got my seaplane rating back in 1946. I think it was in a...Piper...somethingoranother, I forget. Never mind. It'll all come back to me. Pull out the Before Water Landing checklist and run it."

SIC: (flipping through the stack of checklists) "Can't seem to find one for that."

Sully: "Fooled ya! HAH! There ain't one! Just get on the horn and tell the people to put their heads between their legs and wait, that won't sound good on on the CVR tape...make it, 'brace for collision' wait, make it 'brace for impact.' Yeah, that's better. No wait! Tell them that out the left side of the plane they can see the Intrepid Museum , and that if they'd like to visit it, they'll be able to, this afternoon, like, in about twenty minutes. Oh, and ring the stews and have them bring me a rum and coke. If I'm gonna do this, I need a good stiff drink. And have that one with the big [expletive deleted] bring it up. If I'm gonna die, I wanna die drunk and with a boner."

SIC: "Like your grandfather did?"

Sully: "This is no time to make jokes, son. I would really appreciate it if you'd try to take this situation seriously. I'm fairly certain that my grandfather did not die with a boner. I mean, have you ever met my grandmother?"

SIC: "You know, if you pull this off CNN will be calling you the Hero Pilot of the Year."

Sully: "[expletive deleted]. Liberal bastards. All I care about is what the fair-and-balanced Fox News will call me. I hope Fox News calls me a hero!"

SIC: (sighing) "They probably will too. Nobody will remember *my* name. It'll be 'Sully this'...and, 'Sully t hat.' 'Captain Sully, the big #####ing hero.' Like you are the only [expletive deleted] one in the cockpit."

Sully: "You're quite bitter. You really are a helicopter pilot at heart, aren't you? You know, some pilots wait their whole career to be called a hero. I mean, Christ, I've only got two years to go to retirement. That was close!"

SIC: "We're not down yet, Captain Skygod."

Sully: "I know, this thing glides pretty well, huh? Dammit, no sailboats. Oh well, let's see if we can buzz one of those damn sightseeing helicopters. What's best-glide/engines out?"

SIC: "Beats the [expletive deleted] outta me."

Sully: "Vref?"

SIC: "[expletive deleted] if I know."

Sully: "Britney Spears' birthday?"

SIC: "December 2, 1981."

Sully: "Well, I'm glad you know SOMETHING! Just gimme full flaps..."
if you listen to the teterboro tower tapes you hear the "non traffic talking" controller saying something to the effect of, "he wants to land here? there is no way in hell he can land it here.... (some woman in the background) whats going on? some airbus wants to land here!! its not gunna happen!!"

all I could think of was, haha B.S. Sully cant land it there. He can land in the Hudson!:laff:
if you listen to the teterboro tower tapes you hear the "non traffic talking" controller saying something to the effect of, "he wants to land here? there is no way in hell he can land it here.... (some woman in the background) whats going on? some airbus wants to land here!! its not gunna happen!!"

all I could think of was, haha B.S. Sully cant land it there. He can land in the Hudson!:laff:

An A320 would have no problem landing at TEB...They probably get BBJs or Airbus BizJets in there....
It kind of sounds like the "Idiot" comment might have been a checklist going on in the background, you can hear he's talking and then stops when the controller calls.
Anyone else notice that only the Cab Coordinator was using his operating initials (MW) when coordinating on the shout line? Is that something that has gone by the wayside in the busier facilities due to communication saturation?
I want a ringtone of Sully saying "we might end up in the Hudson".
It could've been a weight issue getting into TEB; the A320's MTOW is 169,000 lbs whereas TEB's runways can only handle 100,000 lbs on a double-wheel aircraft.
i want a ringtone of sully saying "we might end up in the hudson".

neeerrrddd!!! (I'm not sure if I mean you for wanting, or me for doing.)

This is actually a .wav file. The forum doesn't allow .wav files bigger than 97.7 kb, so I decided that rule was for other people and the changed the file extension to .pdf.


It could've been a weight issue getting into TEB; the A320's MTOW is 169,000 lbs whereas TEB's runways can only handle 100,000 lbs on a double-wheel aircraft.

In an emergency, runway load bearing capacity wouldn't mean crap to me as the PIC. If its long enough, and I can make it, I'm landing there. The airport authority can make an insurance claim to fix the cracks in the pavement. Call a flatbed trailer to haul the airplane out.

I do believe, however, that the 100,000 limitation isn't truly based on runway load bearing capacity, but rather a limitation stemming from politics; the locals raised hell about BBJs and 727s coming and going from TEB. The runway can actual withstand higher weights, but the powers that be re-designated the runway to only "withstand" 100,000 lbs.
I changed it to a .wav, but it's too big a file to use as a ringtone on my phone... you have a smaller version or one you can compress?
In an emergency, runway load bearing capacity wouldn't mean crap to me as the PIC. If its long enough, and I can make it, I'm landing there. The airport authority can make an insurance claim to fix the cracks in the pavement. Call a flatbed trailer to haul the airplane out.

I'm sure if they knew the extent of the emergency they wouldn't have had a second thought about it.