Um.... this isn't anybody here. Is it?

Body & Looks-wise, Paris is a very good-looking girl.

But the few times I've hear her open her mouth & talk about anything, she comes across as a complete ditz........

Because the Air Force doesn't ever wear anything ridiculous-looking, do they?

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The difference being that the people in your photos actually fly (flew, in the case of the General Officer in the bottom photo) aircraft that required a flight suit as mandatory clothing.

As for Shredder there in the top shot...I think you'd be hard pressed to find him having worn an ascot in the Viper. Never the less, I don't think there would be any reason to make fun of a guy wearing a "Top Gun" outfit to go fly in an F-16.

Either way, you wouldn't find them showing up to the FBO in their uniform regalia to take their friends on a sightseeing trip over Pensacola.
If this is in fact the real Tron Guy, J Maynard posting here - he is now my favorite. I applaud you showing up here and joining the forums, particularly in a thread that was started to poke fun at you and your costume. You are a stand-up guy and I would be proud to buy you a beer any time.
If this is in fact the real Tron Guy, J Maynard posting here - he is now my favorite. I applaud you showing up here and joining the forums, particularly in a thread that was started to poke fun at you and your costume. You are a stand-up guy and I would be proud to buy you a beer any time.

You know, I absolutely agree! I'll pitch in for a couple of beers as well.........Err, without the suit.:D
If this is in fact the real Tron Guy, J Maynard posting here - he is now my favorite. I applaud you showing up here and joining the forums, particularly in a thread that was started to poke fun at you and your costume. You are a stand-up guy and I would be proud to buy you a beer any time.

Count this cat in.....:yar:

One beer for the kohones, one beer for the nice ride....

We oughta get him to NJC.....
If this is in fact the real Tron Guy, J Maynard posting here
Yup, it's really me.

I decided when all this started that I was not going to hide from it, or try to make it go away - because I can't. The Star Wars Kid showed us all that. All I can do is be the same guy I was before I became famous, and let people draw their own conclusions. Part of that is that I refuse to disengage from the net. I was one who'd jump into discussions I felt interested in before, and I still am.

The airplane's paint job is part of that. I could have dome something bland and me-too, but I'm the Tron Guy, dammit - so I did something with it. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Everyone who's commented on it in person has had nice things to say about it, too.
Well good sir, I bid you welcome to the JC community.

I also give you mad props for being true to yourself, and standing up for yourself!

Please stick around here, we're a wide & varied aviation community.

Welcome again :)
Yup, it's really me.

I decided when all this started that I was not going to hide from it, or try to make it go away - because I can't. The Star Wars Kid showed us all that. All I can do is be the same guy I was before I became famous, and let people draw their own conclusions. Part of that is that I refuse to disengage from the net. I was one who'd jump into discussions I felt interested in before, and I still am.

The airplane's paint job is part of that. I could have dome something bland and me-too, but I'm the Tron Guy, dammit - so I did something with it. I'm really pleased with how it turned out. Everyone who's commented on it in person has had nice things to say about it, too.

Tron Guy - Good for you! Glad you are here. If your computer business ever brings you to KC please let me know via PM so I can make good my offer of a beer.
Though I originally posted the picture in jest, I'm happy you're here with us. Have you been lurking for a bit or did you find out about the forums after your picture was posted?
Though I originally posted the picture in jest, I'm happy you're here with us. Have you been lurking for a bit or did you find out about the forums after your picture was posted?

I was pointed here by a poster on the Pilots of America forum.
Welcome to JC then! You definately got the brass balls award for the pic and posting, you can add me to the list of those that'll buy you a beer!
What I'd like to do is get one of those chairs like they had on "The Matrix", shave my head and act like I've got a probe in the back of my head. I'll babble something about downloading a flight program, disengage and go running for the cockpit.

Ehh, that sounded funnier in my head before I typed it :P
Well I am interested now to here how this whole thing got started. I'm sure it's explained somewhere but I'm too lazy to look it up. How did "Tron Man" come to be?