Ugly Airliners

Plus, I don't know how French the A380 is. EADS is, after all, a multinational company. And then what if you put GE engines on that thing, with Honeywell avionics and Goodrich components?

Is that more or less American than a Boeing with Rolls Royce engines and Thales avionics?
Plus, I don't know how French the A380 is. EADS is, after all, a multinational company. And then what if you put GE engines on that thing, with Honeywell avionics and Goodrich components?

Is that more or less American than a Boeing with Rolls Royce engines and Thales avionics?

There is NO airliner that is just from one country and most jets (business) are multi-national.

The problem with the old "If it ain't Boeing.." is that even Boeing isn't just Boeing anymore. And frequently the comment comes from 1) people who have never flown anything other than Boeing (and that's okay I guess) 2) people who have just read the posted myths about Airbus and FBW.

Having been in a number of different cockpits, I realized all of them are compromises and all have strengths/weaknesses.
A plane I hated and loved was the white (instead of silver) AA 727's. A dirty one was nasty to look at and a clean one was great...
Here's my personal favorite, the Carvair. The last flying version was destroyed a couple years ago at the Nixon Creek Mine in Alaska. End of an era. You can see these things in the movies in Goldfinger when they're loading the golden Rolls up for the trip across the Channel.

Thank you for that. I wanted to nominate it as my vote but "Convair" kept getting stuck in my head so I couldnt find the plane I wanted.
A few odd ducks from the 51-52 Jane's.


The Apollo...


The Hastings...


Fouga CM 100
Here's my personal favorite, the Carvair. The last flying version was destroyed a couple years ago at the Nixon Creek Mine in Alaska. End of an era. You can see these things in the movies in Goldfinger when they're loading the golden Rolls up for the trip across the Channel.

I almost went to work for those guys as a DC4 FO, needless to say the accident changed my mind a little. Funny thing though, a buddy of mine was taking pictures at the end of Nixon Fork Mine right as they were coming in to land one day in the DC4, got some great shots, one week later the Carvair came in and forgot to flare, and impacted right where he was standing.