UAL Outsourcing Pilots???

Why stop there? Why don't we ban all outsourcing? No more toys or clothes from China, no more cars from Japan, no more wine from Italy, no more cheese from France, no more pineapple or coconut from the Philippines...all these things are available in the US and it would employ US workers if we would all just buy US products. While we're at it, we might as well prohibit international trade. We can all pay more for US products & services and maybe it will stimulate the economy better than a rescue bill. That way, everyone's job will be protected, not just airline pilots.

Yeah, that is importing.

I am talking about the FAA making it a rule that you can't outsouce your workers. Just like they have all sorts of other rules that would never fly in other industries, this one would help the aviation business in so many ways.
Why stop there? Why don't we ban all outsourcing? No more toys or clothes from China, no more cars from Japan, no more wine from Italy, no more cheese from France, no more pineapple or coconut from the Philippines...all these things are available in the US and it would employ US workers if we would all just buy US products. While we're at it, we might as well prohibit international trade. We can all pay more for US products & services and maybe it will stimulate the economy better than a rescue bill. That way, everyone's job will be protected, not just airline pilots.

Now, just exactly whose side are you on here???
Nevermind, I did not see that he was from Japan. Obviously all the best solutions for the American pilot come from Japan...!
Nevermind, I did not see that he was from Japan. Obviously all the best solutions for the American pilot come from Japan...!

I just go where Uncle Sam sends me. Since I swore to protect and defend the constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic ... I was sent to Japan.

Importing a toy, sneaker, or car is thesame as outsourcing a toy maker's, sneaker maker's, or car maker's job. Isn't it? Why is it okay to say "protect my job because I'm an airline pilot" but you don't make the same argument for jobs that have long ago been sent overseas, to where the cost of manufacturing is cheaper? In many cases raw materials are shipped overseas, cheaply assembled, then shipped back because it's cheaper to ship than to pay US labor rates.

I can't remember which president said, "A recession is when your neighbor looses his job, a depression is when you loose yours." (I think it was a president--maybe Reagan, but I could be way off.) The only reason there's talk about the FAA fighting against pilot outsourcing on this site is because the people who read this site are largely pilots. Do you have the same concern for your neighbor's lost job when you buy products made in China, or elsewhere?
CA with 1501 and a FO with a MPL


CA at 65 yrs old with dementia and a FO with a MPL

Either way the future for wrongful death aviation lawyers is very bright. It will become a very big industry.

................ Lawyers :tease: Insurance underwriters
Ok if you are talking MPL you're talking JAA. At least the captain will have 500 hour jar 25 multi crew (jet or turboprop).
Faa it could be a 1500 balloon pilot with what 250 hours airplane.
Put another balloon pilot with a cmel add on in the right seat and wow, hope they overnighted in a Holiday Inn Express.