UAL MEC unanimously voted for strike authorization vote


Calling for engine starts en français
This evening, the MEC voted unanimously on the following resolution:

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the UAL MEC authorizes the Master Chair to conduct a strike authorization vote, and;

THEREFORE BE IT FINALLY RESOLVED THAT the Master Chair will inform the Company (UAL) and our pilot group of the intent to conduct a strike authorization vote.
One can still hope. I mean, they just closed some open items, right? With progress like that we can expect the deal to be done by July.

Of 2025.

Based on the public comms that you guys are sending out, it sound like they are 'close' to a deal - if they can get relief from the MEC on certain items.
One can still hope. I mean, they just closed some open items, right? With progress like that we can expect the deal to be done by July.

Of 2025.

What are the remaining sticking points?
When will then be now?

