Re: / / / / U N I T E D \'s NEW LIVERY IS HERE!!!!!!!
I couldn't agree more, Tony. Even though I prefer the old old scheme, that's all moot. And long run savings that might be seen in 5 years or more...a maybe...IMO, now isn't the time to be spending more money. It's the time to be saving money for the here and now, since there's no guarantee they'll be around to see any potential cost savings the way they're spending $$$ on unneeded and unnecessary niceities.
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Yeah, if United wants to spend money they don't have, how about spending some to bring a friend of mine back from furlough?
Right now, they should be finding ways to save every penny and finding ways to get a buck or two more from every passenger.
But hey, what do I know? Apparently not enough to get a $2 million bonus for walking down to the courthouse to file papers for Chapter 11.